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"Now, when can I get out of here?" Bailey asked, her voice quivering with anxiety as she attempted to sit up in her hospital bed, her eyes scanning the sterile surroundings.

"I think they plan on discharging you tomorrow or the day after. They're keeping you overnight for observation," Hailey reassured her daughter, gently assisting her with repositioning in bed, her touch a source of comfort amidst the clinical environment.

"Dad, Chase, please. You have to get me out of here," Bailey pleaded urgently to her father and boyfriend, desperation evident in her tone, "I want to get out of here."

"No can do, babe," Chase responded, his expression mirroring her distress.

"Daddy, please," Bailey implored, turning to her father with wide eyes filled with fear.

"I can't, munchkin," Jay replied, his voice steady but infused with empathy, "I know you hate hospitals, but I promise you, the second they say you can go, we will take you home."

"You promise?"

"I promise," Jay affirmed, his words a soothing balm to Bailey's frazzled nerves.


After Bailey was discharged from the hospital, Jay and Hailey welcomed Chase to stay with them for a few weeks to support Bailey during her recovery.

Upon arriving at the Halstead household, Chase escorted Bailey to her childhood bedroom, where they soon drifted off to sleep, finding solace in each other's presence.

Concerned about their well-being, Jay decided to check on Bailey and Chase. As he gently pushed open the bedroom door, he was greeted by a heartwarming sight - Bailey and Chase nestled together, fast asleep. Their peaceful embrace warmed Jay's heart, and he couldn't resist capturing the tender moment with a quick snapshot before quietly closing the door.

Returning to the kitchen, Jay found Hailey preparing lunch and shared the adorable scene he had just witnessed. "They're both sound asleep," he informed her, displaying the snapshot on his phone. "But they look so content together."

"Aww, send that to me, please; I want to make a collage in the future for them

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"Aww, send that to me, please; I want to make a collage in the future for them. I have a feeling Bailey found her soulmate," Hailey remarked to her husband, her eyes softening with affection as she observed the photo on his phone.

"Someone is going to have to wake her for her next dose of medicine," Jay reminded his wife as he reached for a beer from the fridge, offering her one as well, "You want one?"

"Yes, please," she replied, accepting the drink with a grateful smile, "She's not due for another three or four hours, though, so we have some time before we have to think of that."

"She's a monster when someone wakes her up," Jay commented with a chuckle.

"She's a carbon copy of you, Jay."

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