Twenty Nine

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"All the secrets, all the text messages, all the hiding," she told him, "What's going on, Chase? Is there someone else? Are you not happy with me anymore?" 

"Are you questioning my sanity?" Chase's voice quivered with disbelief, his eyes widening in shock at her accusation. "Of course, I'm still deeply happy with you. How could you even think otherwise?"

Her brows furrowed in response, a mixture of frustration and hurt etched on her face. "It's a legitimate concern," she countered, her voice tinged with sorrow. "When someone starts hiding things, it usually means there's trouble brewing. Whether it's someone else in the picture or simply dissatisfaction, it's hard not to jump to conclusions."

Tears welled up in her eyes, a silent testament to the turmoil within her, but she fought valiantly to contain them, not wanting to succumb to her emotions just yet.

Feeling her anguish, Chase enveloped her in a reassuring embrace, his arms wrapping around her with a comforting strength. Bailey melted into his touch, clutching onto him as if he were her lifeline, unwilling to let go.

"Babe, I swear to you, there's no one else," he murmured earnestly, his words laced with sincerity as he pulled back slightly to gaze into her eyes. "You're my everything, especially on those race weekends and in every moment of our lives together."

"Then please, help me understand," she implored, her voice tinged with desperation as she searched his eyes for answers.

Chase's chest tightened as he heard the plaintive tone in Bailey's voice, his heart aching at the thought of causing her any distress. "I can't, baby," he murmured, his voice laden with regret, "but trust me, it'll all be worth it in the end. I'd never do anything to hurt you."

Bailey's expression softened, though a flicker of frustration danced in her eyes as she realized Chase wasn't about to divulge the details of his cryptic statement. Still, she found solace in the reassurance of his love. With a resigned sigh, she nodded, her grip on him loosening as she conceded, "Okay, I trust you."

Their embrace eased, and as Chase gently released her face from his hands, he whispered earnestly, "I love you so much, okay?"

A tender smile graced Bailey's lips, her voice barely above a whisper as she reciprocated, "I love you too."

The tension dissipated as Chase proposed a simple evening together, a gesture to ease their worries and bring them closer. "Let's grab a pizza, head back to your place, and have a cozy movie night. How does that sound?"

Bailey's eyes brightened at the suggestion, a genuine warmth spreading across her features. "That sounds perfect," she beamed, "Now go get changed."

Chase chuckled softly at her command, offering a playful salute. "Yes, ma'am." With a final affectionate glance, he turned to prepare for their evening together, grateful for the chance to simply be with the woman he loved.

" With a final affectionate glance, he turned to prepare for their evening together, grateful for the chance to simply be with the woman he loved

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