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[February 2020; One Month Later]

Over the ensuing weeks, Chase found himself shuttling back and forth between Concord and Dawsonville, Georgia, eagerly seizing any opportunity to spend time with Bailey. Their phones buzzed incessantly with messages, each one tinged with a hint of flirtation. Despite the thrill of their interactions, Bailey couldn't shake the gnawing guilt that accompanied their clandestine connection. She was acutely aware of the company's strict policies against fraternization, knowing full well that pursuing anything with Chase was off-limits.

As the racing season hurtled closer, the anticipation reached a fever pitch. With the inaugural race mere days away, Hendrick Motorsports gathered its employees for a spirited send-off, commemorating the departure of the first hauler of the season. Amidst the festivities, the team reiterated the company's code of conduct, underscoring the importance of professionalism both on and off the track.

With a palpable sense of excitement in the air, Bailey dutifully documented the momentous occasion, posting updates to the 9 Team's Instagram account. The shop bustled with activity as the haulers rolled out into the night, leaving trails of shimmering lights in their wake, a visual testament to the team's unwavering commitment to excellence.

 The shop bustled with activity as the haulers rolled out into the night, leaving trails of shimmering lights in their wake, a visual testament to the team's unwavering commitment to excellence

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Back in Chicago, during her tenure at the precinct, Bailey had grown accustomed to the routine of her father escorting her to her car, especially during the ominous cloak of darkness. Now, in the unfamiliar territory of North Carolina, she found herself navigating the eerie expanse of the parking lot alone.

Chase's keen observation didn't go unnoticed as he noticed Bailey's wistful gaze fixed on the door of the race shop.

"Everything alright?" he inquired, sensing her unease.

Bailey offered a half-hearted chuckle, feeling a twinge of embarrassment. "Just adjusting to not having someone walk me out to my car in the dark. It's a bit of a change," she confessed, feeling a pang of nostalgia for her father's protective presence.

Without hesitation, Chase extended a comforting offer. "I can walk you to your car. I'm heading out anyway."

Gratitude washed over Bailey as she accepted his gesture. "Thank you. I hope I didn't come off as entitled or anything. It's just something I've always been used to," she explained, feeling a touch vulnerable.

Chase shook his head reassuringly. "Not at all. It's understandable. Anytime you need someone to walk you out, just let me know," he assured her, holding the door open as she stepped through.

As they made their way across the parking lot, conversation turned to the impending excitement of Bailey's first race.

"I'm thrilled! Daytona is a whole new experience for me," Bailey exclaimed, brimming with anticipation.

Chase grinned in response. "It's quite the spectacle. I assume HMS has sorted out your accommodations?"

"Yep, staying at a hotel right by the track. Can't imagine they'd have me bunking in the motorhome lot," Bailey quipped, teasing her Southern companion.

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