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"Chase, the fans," Bailey clarified, retrieving her phone to show him the incriminating evidence circulating on social media.

A sinking feeling settled in Chase's stomach as he examined the damning photo. "Damn," he muttered, realizing the implications of their secret being exposed.

"I have no clue what we should do," she told him honestly, "I was hoping that we could announce it on our terms, but with that picture circulating and the fans figuring that out, I don't think we have a choice anymore."

"I mean, fans know I've always been a private person when it comes to my personal life," Chase told her, handing her back her phone, "But, it's totally up to you. Whenever you're ready to confirm it, we will confirm it,"

Bailey smiled at the man standing before her, "Why don't we confirm it when you win next?" Bailey suggested, pulling him into a hug.

"I'm good with that," Chase agreed, his gaze meeting hers with unwavering support. "Are you sure you're okay with that?"

"Yeah, I'm okay with that," Bailey affirmed, her resolve firm. "Wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't okay with it."

"Guess I better find myself in victory lane soon," Chase quipped, a playful glint in his eyes.

"You better," Bailey teased, her laughter filling the air. "Now, take me home. I'm tired."

"Yes, ma'am," Chase replied with a chuckle, wrapping an arm around her as they made their way out of the hauler.


"So you guys will go public when he wins his next race?" Avery inquired, settling beside Bailey on the comfortable couch in her apartment.

"That's the plan," Bailey confirmed with a hopeful smile. "I'm just itching for him to win so we can get it over with."

"Ryan and I made a pact to go public when NBC takes over for the season," Avery shared. "So, I'll be waiting a few weeks no matter what."

"How's it going with Ryan, by the way?"

"It's going really well," Avery admitted, a soft blush coloring her cheeks. "He's amazing, and he makes me happy." She grinned. "We should plan a double date—well, a virtual one since everything's still shut down."

Before Bailey could respond, her phone buzzed with a text message from Chase.

"Chase and Ryan are chilling at Ryan's place with Bubba and Amanda," Bailey informed her best friend

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"Chase and Ryan are chilling at Ryan's place with Bubba and Amanda," Bailey informed her best friend.

"Sounds like a plan! We can't let Amanda fend for herself with that crew. So, double date it is, or should I say triple date?" Avery quipped with a laugh. "I bet they're plotting a pizza feast and debating between Talladega Nights or Days of Thunder for the movie."

Bailey grinned at the thought. "I'll text Chase that we'll be there in about ten minutes. Get ready for some movie mayhem!"

 Get ready for some movie mayhem!"

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