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"There is something I have to say to you though," Bailey finally confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of vulnerability and determination.

"Oh? And what is that?" Chase asked, his gaze fixed on her with a mixture of curiosity and concern as he sat in his regular spot at her kitchen island.

Bailey took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation ahead. She moved to the other side of the island, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to lay her feelings bare.

"I'm sorry for how I acted in Daytona; I shouldn't have avoided or ignored you. I should not have done anything I did. I'm sorry," Bailey began, her words tumbling out in a rush as she struggled to articulate her thoughts.

"Why were you avoiding me? I thought dinner had gone well that night. Did I do something to offend you?" Chase's brow furrowed with genuine confusion, his concern evident in his voice.

"No. You didn't do anything wrong; you were the definition of a well-mannered southern boy," Bailey chuckled softly, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "But before I moved to North Carolina, I got out of a very toxic relationship. He was verbally abusive and emotionally abusive."

Chase's expression softened with understanding as he listened intently to Bailey's explanation, his heart aching at the pain she had endured.

"But Bailey, I'm not like that," he interjected gently, his voice filled with reassurance.

"Trust me; I know you wouldn't be abusive. But you have to give me time to heal from that, and I need to be on my own, at least for a little bit longer. I need to trust that I can be ok on my own," Bailey continued, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness as she laid bare her innermost fears and insecurities. "Trust me, I want nothing more than to be with you, but I can't, at least not right now. I hope you can understand that."

Chase's heart swelled with admiration for Bailey's courage and honesty. "Of course I understand. I'll wait for you as long as you need. I'll also be here for you if you ever need anything," he promised, his gaze unwavering as he reached out to gently grasp her hand in his, offering her the silent support she needed in that moment.


The following day dawned with Bailey's determination to tackle the race weekend schedule for the 9-Team. Arriving early at the office, she busied herself with organizing logistics and coordinating with various departments to ensure a seamless operation in Vegas.

An hour later, Chase's arrival stirred a flicker of distraction in the bustling office atmosphere. Bailey looked up from her desk as Chase entered the premises, his presence drawing the attention of everyone around.

"Hey, Bailey," Chase greeted, his voice carrying across the room as he approached her office door.

"Hey, Chase. What brings you here so early?" Bailey responded, offering a friendly smile as she leaned back in her chair.

"Just wanted to catch Mr. H before flying out to Vegas tomorrow morning," Chase explained, his gaze briefly scanning the office before settling on Bailey.

Bailey's curiosity piqued at his mention of packing, prompting her to inquire further. "Don't you have clothes on the motorhome?"

Chase chuckled, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Technically, yes, but I like to be prepared for any situation. You never know what might happen."

Bailey nodded in understanding, impressed by Chase's foresight. "Well, Mr. H should be in his office now. Good luck with your meeting," she offered, gesturing toward the direction of the boss's office.

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