Twenty Six

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Following a hard-fought 13th-place finish at Daytona, capping off the regular season, Chase and the NAPA team breathed a collective sigh of relief. The frantic pace of back-to-back races had finally subsided, offering them a much-needed respite before gearing up for the next challenge. With the return to one race per week, they looked forward to a brief moment of relaxation and rejuvenation before diving back into the grind.

[Thursday after Regular Season Finale at Daytona]

"You have no idea how happy I am that we are back to one race a week. These past few weeks have been absolute hell," Avery exclaimed, sinking comfortably into the couch as she and Bailey settled in for their long-awaited girls' night at Avery's apartment.

Bailey nodded emphatically, taking a grateful sip of her wine. "Tell me about it. Finally, I'll have more time to air out the team's fire suits. With Daytona last week, it wasn't too bad since they had their Hooters fire suits, which have been airing out for the past month or so. But now that we're back to the NAPA fire suits for the entire first round of the playoffs, I'm dreading the stench."

"I feel like Ryan is wearing the same fire suit every week. That hauler stinks. Febreeze can only do so much to mask the smell," Avery chimed in, wrinkling her nose in distaste.

"I gave up on Febreeze when Chase threw a tantrum about it," Bailey admitted with a sigh, remembering the debacle.

Shifting gears, Avery browsed through Netflix for another movie, her curiosity piqued. "So, what track are you excited to go to in the playoffs?"

"Throughout the entire playoffs or per round?" Bailey queried, her interest piqued by Avery's question.

"Both, I guess," Avery chuckled at her friend's slight confusion, glancing around at the bustling atmosphere of the coffee shop they were in.

Bailey leaned forward, excitement lighting up her eyes. "I am excited to attend the Charlotte Roval for the playoffs. Per round? I'm most excited for Darlington for the round of sixteen, the Roval for the round of twelve, and then Martinsville for the round of eight." She paused, a grin spreading across her face. "How about you?"

"The Roval overall," Avery replied, a thoughtful expression on her face. "It'll be nice not to travel far to get to the track. As for the round of sixteen, I'd say Bristol. I will say Talladega for the round of twelve, and then for the round of eight, I will say probably Martinsville. I like the short tracks." She chuckled, taking a sip of her coffee.

Bailey nodded in agreement, then pulled out her phone and looked at the schedule for the playoffs, excitement bubbling within her at the thought of the upcoming races.


2020 NASCAR Playoff Schedule

Round of Sixteen

September 6, 2020 - Darlington

September 12, 2020 - Richmond

September 19, 2020 - Bristol ~ Elimination Race

Round of Twelve

September 27, 2020 - Las Vegas

October 4, 2020 - Talladega

October 11, 2020 - Charlotte Roval ~ Elimination Race

Round of Eight

October 18, 2020 - Kansas

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