Twenty Seven

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[Time Skip to the Start of the Second Round of Playoffs] 

Chase and the Nine Team wrapped up the opening round of the 2020 NASCAR Cup Series Playoffs with a commendable fifth-place finish at Richmond followed by a solid seventh-place showing at Bristol. While they felt they were in a favorable position heading into the second round, they understood the importance of staying vigilant. Every point mattered, and maximizing their performance in each race was paramount.

Unfortunately, the team faced a setback as Ryan was eliminated after the first round of playoffs. Meanwhile, Bailey found herself in the peculiar position of consoling Avery, who was frustrated by what she perceived as unwarranted criticism from the media.

Avery vented her frustration over a beer, lamenting the lack of distinction some journalists made between constructive criticism and outright disrespect. "These so-called journalists need a crash course in journalism or something," she fumed between sips.

Bailey empathized, recalling articles insinuating that Avery somehow contributed to Ryan's early playoff exit. "I've seen those too," Bailey nodded in agreement. "They've tried to pin slumps on me when Chase isn't performing up to par."

Avery scoffed incredulously, shaking her head. "Do they not realize I'm not the one making race strategies? I'm not tinkering with the cars or anything. My job is to get Ryan where he needs to be and tweet during races. How am I to blame for his elimination?"

"Did Ryan address the issue with them directly?"

"He brought it up during the post-race debriefing session following Bristol, and Penske assured us they'd issue a statement," she replied, swiping through her phone in frustration. "But I haven't seen a shred of that statement anywhere."

"Perhaps he'll take it up with them this weekend," Bailey suggested, rising from the couch. "Another beer?"

"Yeah, thanks," Avery accepted, reaching for the remote to switch on RaceHub. Tonight's episode featured Ryan, and she was eager to see if he'd address the accusations blaming her for his playoff elimination.

Returning to the living room with two freshly cracked beers, Bailey settled back onto the couch. "Here you go."

Avery took the offered beer and fixed her gaze on the television screen, anticipation building.


"Ryan, could you walk us through what unfolded in that first round?" the reporter inquired, her pen poised over the notepad.

With a sigh tinged with disappointment, Ryan leaned against the pit wall, his expression reflective. "Honestly, it's tough facing an early elimination like this. There were definitely areas where I could've tightened up my performance, no doubt about it. And then there were those pit road mishaps that really didn't work in our favor," he explained, his voice carrying a note of frustration.

"But dwelling on what's done won't get us anywhere. It's in the past now," he continued, his tone resolute. "We've got to focus on what lies ahead and finish out the rest of the 2020 season on a strong note. That's where our attention needs to be."

{Back to Bailey and Avery} 

"Dang, doesn't he clean up nicely?" Avery remarked with a playful giggle, her eyes tracing the lines of the well-fitted suit adorning the gentleman across the room. She lifted her beer to her lips, taking another sip as she admired the sight.

Bailey joined in with a chuckle, nodding in agreement. "Absolutely, he's got that James Bond vibe going on."

Avery playfully nudged her friend, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hands off, he's mine," she teased, a grin spreading across her face. "You've got your beau to swoon over."

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