The Knights Beginning

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???: "The year is 2010 of the imperial calendar. The war is raging and britannia remains the only superpower.

???: "Japan controls a material called sakuradite, a sought after material. Britannia needs it for their conquest. However, Japan remains neutral.

???: "Britannia releases the new knightmare frame to gain control of the mainland. The knightmares quickly gain control of the war and bring it to a swift end, assisted by their leaders unfortunate 'suicide.'

The stories protagonist says to his friend.

???: "I swear suzaku, so help me. I will one day... OBLITERATE BRITANNIAN"

However, this is not the character who we will follow. The character is currently on an aircraft with two other scientists. However, his future, is about to get interesting

???: "Cecile, please tell me we brought the materials to help perfect the Lancelot. That's the whole reason we're here after all."

Cecile: "Of course we did Lloyd, let me check. Wait, they're not here?! Where are they..."

???: "Right here, Cecile. You're such a klutz you know that?"

Cecile: "Awwww, you're so mean Moore. Why am I clumsy?"

Moore: "Well, on the way onto the aircraft, you tripped three times and you dropped the materials. Thankfully, I accounted for it and grabbed you every time, as well as the materials."

Lloyd: "Hahahah. He knows you better than you. That's hilarious. You have the worst luck Cecile."

Cecile: "Lloyd, stop it. You too Moore. I don't like it when you two tease me."

Moore: "You know that's bs. If you wanted it to stop, you'd join a seperate team. But you chose us. However, we're happy to have you stay."

Lloyd: "Besides, I need you to help me complete the Lancelot. Without you, it would all fall apart."

Cecile: "What about Moore? Why doesn't he help?"

Moore: "I'm working on a separate project of mine. I might require your help when all's said and done though."

Cecile: "What project are you working on?

Moore: "It's a new knightmare I'm working on known as project morgause. It's a project I've been working on for years."

Lloyd: "Right. I remember you telling me about that. When do you think It'll be finished?"

Moore: "I've constructed it and everything, however, it's missing one thing. It has no long range attacks. I have some ideas but I'd like your expert opinions."

Cecile: "I could help you to program the arms

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Cecile: "I could help you to program the arms. However, Lloyd could help with long range."

Lloyd: "I could certainly help. I've found a new projectile that would deal massive damage from this mech."

Moore: "Wonderful, thanks both of you. Once we finish up when we get there, I'll take you both for a meal and a drink."

Lloyd: "Ohhhh, that sounds good

Cecile: Wonderful, it's a date then."

Lloyd gets to work on the arms firing me mechanism, while Cecile works on the programming part of it. However, Moore doesn't have the material he requires.

Moore: "Lloyd, you forgot to give me the material I require. SO, if you would be so kind and GIVE it to me, I'd appreciate it."

Lloyd: "Oh yes, of course. My apologies Moore. Come on, you too Cecile. This will change the everything."

Cecile: "Alright Lloyd. If this is another of your pranks, I'll punch that grin off your face."

Lloyd: "Come on, when have I led you wrong."

The two deadpan and look at each other.

Moore: "Fine, let's go see this war-changing material."

Lloyd: "Wonderful. I haven't been able to use it in the Lancelot, unfortunately, but perhaps your knightmare could utilize it."

They walk through the backrooms and find the material. It is pure black, with red emanating off, like a ship trying to escape a black hole.

Moore: "Is it safe to touch?"

Lloyd: "Yes, it is safe to touch. It's only potent when its fired at a powerful force, then it causes massive damage."

Moore: "How massive?"

Lloyd: "Let's just say the Mordred uses it as a power source for it's weapons."

Moore: "The Mordred!!?? It must be powerful if schneizel is using it for his weapons and...experiments. Very well, I will use it. Thank you Lloyd, my old and good friend."

Lloyd: "Of course, I would never lie to you about something so... Important. Now, let us go, your knightmare requires updlgrades and additions."

After that, the three work tirelessly on the knightmare, working on finishing it and making it combat-ready. After, the three collapsed on the couch, moves there for this express purpose.

Moore: "Finally, we're done. That took longer than I expected."

Cecile: "But at least now it's done."

Lloyd: "It has a new paint job. Black with red stripes and arcs of lightning surround it, showing chaos. And the arms now extend our, with maximum force."

Cecile: "What does it fire like and whats it's force?"

Moore: "Well, it's a fully automatic weapon attached to it's shoulder. As for the power, let's test it out. Get the Southerland."

Moore readies the weapon while the others get a Southerland that was lying around and set it in front of the Morgause.

Moore: "Ready?"

Both: "Ready!!"

The weapon powers up and fires at the southerland and tears through and blows it up. It also tears through the wall.

Moore: "Holy shit! That was insanely strong."

Lloyd: "This will change knightmare warfare for Britannia."

Cecile: "Well done gentlemen. Now, let's go get our food."

And that's it. I just had an idea to have my character create it own knightmare. So, the knightmare has a shoulder mounted cannon that fires lasers full auto. Next, we'll meet suzaku and start the battle of Shinjuku ghetto.

See you later


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