End Of The Liberation Front

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A couple days after the incident with Cornelia, Moore has almost forgotten about it, but he can't think about it now. He and Cornelia have the destruction of the Liberation Front to plan.

Dalton: "Viceroy, are you sure this is the best plan? Taking plans from a regular britannian, especially one that was demoted in the orange crisis."

Cornelia: "He shouldn't betray us, his entire career and life depends on it."

Moore: "Besides, I've never seen a man more mystified by britannian since the emperor himself."

Gilford: "Lord Moore, please don't speak of the Emperor like that. He's the most important figurehead."

Moore: "Very well. We'll have forces stationed of the port. Portman's will travere underwater and climb onto the ship, capturing it. Forces, including the Lancelot will eliminate any resistance forces."

Cornelia: "Why the Lancelot?"

Moore: "Lloyd Asplind requires more data for it, so that's what I'll give him. And this should show his loyalty. I will be the figurehead of this operation."

Cornelia: "You? Why is that?"

Moore: "You've been in charges of all recent operations, so take a break. I'll be in charge of dismantling the Front, Rest assured"

Cornelia: "Very well. You have the reign of the operation."

Moore: "Very well. Operation starts, now!"

At his command, forces launch into action, heading to the dock where the Liberation Front has been hidden."

Moore makes his way toward the hanger, and is greeted by Euphemia.

Moore: "Hello Euphy, I wasn't expecting you to be here. Come to wish me off?"

Euphemia: "Yes. Come back safe, Moore. I couldnt bare to lose any more siblings."

Moore: "I'll be fine. Goodbye Euphy."

Moore enters the plane, the door closing and the plane lifting off and flying towards the destination. Euphemia stays behind and wishes for her half-brothers success.

An few hours later, it's night time and almost operation time.

Villetta: "Viceroy, it's time for the operation."

Moore: "Very well. Commence with the operation."

Officers scramble to communicate with their knightmare pilots, commanding them to do their duty.

Moore: "Cecile, how is Suzaku doing?"

Cecile: "He's having trouble firing upon the elevens, sir."

Moore: "This is no time for his history and moral to get in the way. Tell him it's an order from Viceroy Moore."

Cecile: "Yes sir."

After that, the Portman's reached the ship and seemed to capture it. Although, not for long. An explosion seems to erupt beneath it, causing it to explode

Moore: "What the hell? A suicide attack."

Moore runs towards his knightmare, atrempting to power it on. However, the lead knightmare from Narita smashes into him, breaking the wall behind him, and driving him through it.

Moore: "Zero! What a coward. I haven't even powered on."

He launches a harken from the Morgause, hitting the knightmares arm, knocking it off.

Moore: "You couldn't dream to best me in knightmare combat."

He prepares to raise himself from the ground, but from behind the knightmare, a Slash-harken comes, knocking into the cockpit block, stopping him and wrapping around him, restraining him.

Moore: "That knightmare again?!"

Zero aims his gun at Moore, preparing to fire, but he pauses. From stop crates, the Lancelot appears, crashing into Zero.

Suzaku: "Hands off the Prince!"

The red knightmare launches another harken, but it's stopped by the Lancelot's blades, cutting them.

The Lancelot charges at the lead knightmare, attacking it and causing it to eject. He prepares to chase it. But the red knightmare intervenes.

Kallen: "Get the hell away from him."

The red knightmare, the Lancelot, and the Morgause clash, having a magnificent battle.

The red knightmare attack the Lancelot with her blade, while the Morgause attempts to fire a blast from the chaos laser. However, it's blocked by the Knightmares special arm.

The Lancelot and the Red knightmars clash, before it falls back into smoke.

Suzaku: "No wait!"

Moore: "Suzaku, don't pursue. It's trying to draw you away. We can't afford to lose the Lancelot."

Suzaku looks back and seems to nod.

Suzaku: "Very well Viceroy."

Moore: "Now. What the hell happened to Villetta?"

When he gets back, it's confirmed that Villetta was murdered during the crossfire.

Moore calls a carrier. On the way back in the Morgause, he wonders.

Moore: 'Now, all that's left to do is finish the Four Holy Swords and the accursed Black Knights.

Dalton: "Sir, I believe we've located the Four Holy Swords."

Moore looks shocked, then gains a look of delight.

Moore: "Send me their location. I'm on it.

And that's it. Hope you enjoyed.

See you later.


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