The Commander

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???: "No, Nunnally!"

Moore puts his blade up to the cockpit block.

Moore: "Any last words, rebel scum?"

???: "He might not, but I do!"

Moore looks at the source of the sound and notices the Glasgow. It leaps at him and kicks him away.

Kallen: "Hey, I'm returning the favor. Get out of here!"

???: "Understood."

The Glasgow blocks off the Morgause from chasing after the command unit.

Moore: "That was your commander was it? Well, the rest of the units will find him again soon enough."

Kallen: "Not if I kill you, and they don't find out."

Moore: "Oh come on now, you're missing an arm, you're in a broken down Glasgow, and you're fighting against my Morgause. You can't beat me, might as well leave."

Kallen thinks about leaving the area, to ensure the others safety.

Moore: "However, that devicer who's knightmare you destroyed is my friend. Soz I have a duty for completing what he couldn't do."

Kallen: "And what's that?"

Moore: "Defeating you. So, prepare for your death."

Moore readies his Morgause for the battle against the Glasgow, and kallen does the same.

Kallen makes the first move, rushing towards him with a barrage of attacks. However, Moore dodges the barrage and slices off the other arm.

Kallen: "Damnit, you're good."

Moore: "Now, I want to know. Why do you elevens spurn the compassion of our Emperor?"

Kallen: "I push it away, because you conquered us. We didn't ask for these problems."

Moore: "What a horrible response. Now, it's time to say goodbye."

Moore rushes towards her with his knuckles blade and begins a stab towards the cockpit. However, she ejects before the Morgause can hit, causing it to stumble.

Moore: "What? Damnit, she got away. Time to hunt something else."

Cecile: "Moore, it's time to come back. You've done enough."

Moore: "Huh? But I just got into the knightmare. I've only destroyed three knightmares."

Lloyd: "Moore, you can't just take all the data. Besides, we need to see what the eleven is capable of."

Moore: "Very well, I'll head back. See you at base."

Moore looks out at the city and heads back towards the lab.

Once he connects his knightmare to the station, he departs and takes off his helmet.

Moore: "Hello Cecile, Lloyd, I'm back from battle."

Lloyd: "Welcome back Moore, how did the knightmare feel?"

Moore: "It felt like a dream. Everything worked perfectly, and nothing malfunctioned. Thank you both for helping this go well."

Cecile: "Oh, don't worry about it. It's the least we could do. I'm just glad we could help."

Moore: "Where's your pilot, that boy, Suzaku Kururugi?"

Cecile: "He's out, battling the rebels. I hope he's alright, based on his injuries are so severe."

Lloyd: "I'm sure he'll be fine, devicers have battles with much worse injuries."

Moore: "I need to go fix up the Morgause. Some wackjob shot at it and scratched it. I need to buff that out."

Cecile: "Alright, see you later Moore"

Lloyd: "Have fun buffing"

As Moore heads out to the Morgause, he notices someone standing by it.

Moore: "Clovis, how's it going, my good friend."

Clovis: "Hello Moore, it's been a while since I last saw you. I thought you left for the eu with schneizel.

Moore: "Well, I decided to come back to Area 11. I also wanted to finish my project with help from Lloyd."

Clovis: "Yes, this does look like something you would create. What is its name?"

Moore: "Morgause. What a pretty name isn't it? It even has the same type of firepower as the Mordred, courtesy of Lloyd, of course."

Clovis: "Of course. He always has the most random stuff lying around."

Moore: "Well Clovis, it was nice seeing you again, but unfortunately, I have to fix the Morgause. Maybe I'll see you later?"

Clovis: "Yes, see you later."

Clovis walks out of Moore's range of hearing.

Clovis: "See you, my half brother."

And that's it. So, hes gonna be a part of the Royal family, because why not.

See you later


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