Shinjuku Ghetto

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In the city, a truck is fleeing from the britannian military. All of a sudden, a projectile flies out of the truck, hitting a helicopter.

Pilot: "A Slash-harken?!

The back of the truck opens and exposes an old Glasgow.

Pilot: "A knightmare?!"

???: "You guys know full well what this badass mother can do."

She fights off another helicopter, before another knightmare arrives on a transport.

???: "Back off, she's mine. You're quite talented, but an over the hill Glasgow's no match for a Southerland. Especially one who spurns the gratitude over our glorious Emperor."

The Southerland fires upon the Glasgow damaging it. The truck escapes with some damage after being damaged by another Southerland.

???: "Kallen run for it. One of us has to escape."

Kallen: "But..."

The Southerland moves closer to attack. The Glasgow attempts to fire it's Slash-harken, but it jams.

Kallen: "Damn, it's stuck!"

???: "Worthless scrap."

The arm detaches and smoke plumes out.

Jeremiah: Ive gotta admit, I like your spirit. However, I Jeremiah GOTTWALD, cannot allow you to escape.

After, with the Viceroy of area 11.

Bartley: "You lost them!? And you call yourselves the Royal guard!?"

Clovis: "It seems it's moves to the next phase. If knowledge of her gets out Ill be disinherited. Let them know we're carrying out a plan of urban renewal here. As viceroy, I command you..."

Clovis stands up.

Clovis: "Destroy Shinjuku Ghetto, leave nothing alive."

All the knightmares and tanks begin firing upon the city. Jeremiah gottwald descends and prepares for battle.

Officer: "Officer Jeremiah, general Bartley..."

Jeremiah: "Bartley has staff officers. I haven't had this much fun in ages."

In the trailer, where the Lancelot is tested and ran.

Moore: "Lloyd, now that we've bulldozed our way into the battle, what do we do now?

Lloyd: "Nothing. Neither of our knightmares will be used. We don't have devicers to use them."

Moore: "At least for yours. Im going to attempt to link with my knightmare."

Cecile: "But why would you risk yourself like that."

Moore: "Because, the maiden voyage should be piloted by the creator, am I wrong?"

Lloyd: "Very well, let's go attempt to link you up, old friend.

At the Morgause, Moore climbs into the cockpit, and the others prepare for the process to begin.

Cecile: "Moore, are you sure about this? We could always pull you out."

Moore: "No Cecile, I need to do this. This is my chance to finally help Britannia end this War."

Cecile: "Very well. Initial start-up proceeding from phase 20. Ewuipoing energy module.

Everything powers on once the energy filler is entered into the module, and Moore readies the controls.

Lloyd: "Good luck out their Moore. The elevens are putting up a good fight. So, you'll have to really try your best to stop the fighting.

Moore: "Very well. Thank you Lloyd for the update.

Cecile: "Initiating devicer set-up. Rejection response is weak, he might just pilot right out of here."

Moore: "Am i done with prep?"

Cecile: "Yes, you're all green. Now, officer Moore, you're mission is to defeat the terrorist insurgency and protect his highness."

Moore: "Understood, 'My lord.'"

Lloyd: "Morgause launch!"

Moore: "Launching!"

The Morgause pulls out of it's area of containment and rushes towards the battle.

Officer: "Unidentified knightmare, identify yourself."

Moore stops the knightmare in front of the con and opens the cockpit.

Moore: "Officer Moore, reporting for duty, your highness."

Clovis: "Moore, it's you?"

Moore: "Yes Clovis. It's been ages since I last saw you. I think we were both kids back then. Am I free to leave and fight, your highness?"

Moore bows and Clovis sighs.

Clovis: 'You always did give me a rough time.' "Yes, your free to go, destroy Shinjuku ghetto!"

Moore: "Yes, your highness!"

Moore and the Morgause speed down towards the battle, ready to defeat any rebels they find.

Moore: "Time to start my war."

And that's it. I decided to have us know Clovis, just to spice up the story.

See you later


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