Capture Zero

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Officer: "Shall we open fire sir?"

Moore: "No. We'll capture him when he's surrounded."

The recording van with Zero on top rolls up to the entrance of the bridge to the hotel, but is stopped by The Morgause and two knightmares

Moore: "Hello Zero. It's a pleasure to meet you. I heard that you had made an appearance. Are you a part of the liberation front, or are you here to help... Us?"

Zero: "The latter. There are some people inside to save."

Moore seems surprised by his answer.

Moore: "No matter. Our problems take precedent over your at the moment... Zero. So for the death of my half-brother, I shall take my revenge right here."

The Morgause prepares it's chaos laser(the shoulder mounted laser), but is stopped by Zero.

Zero: "Moore, who do you choose? Clovis, who's dead, or Euphemia, who is alive?"

Moore turns speechless at the words, surprised that this terrorist knew of the issue.

Jeremiah: "Sir, he knows of the princess."

Moore: "Zero. How do you know if this... Information? And how do you understand it's true?"

Zero thinks over an answer before answering.

Zero: "I have my sources. Now, what'll it be?"

Moore: "Fine. Go on through. If you don't bring her back, I'll have your head on my desk."

Zero nods and looks forward towards the hotel.

Moore: "Let him through."

The Britannian's part their barricade, allowing Zero to pass.

Villetta: "Viceroy, why are we allowing them to go in?"

Moore: "If they pass through, it'll give us more time, and Kururugi as well. And, we can take both down in one fell swoop."

Jeremiah: "Excellently thought sir."

Moore: "Lloyd, is the Lancelot and Suzaku ready?"

Lloyd: "It's ready, we're just going through the countdown sequence."

Moore: "Understood. I'll be right over. Jeremiah, you take command, I'll be overseeing the launch."

Jeremiah: "Yes, your highness. I would be honored."

Moore speeds off towards the Lancelot's lab, to oversee the process, and say hi to some friends.

Moore: "Lloyd, Cecile. Hows the launch going? We almost ready?"

Moore puts his arms over the two scientists, one returning it and one appearing somewhat hesitant.

Lloyd: "Fine. Suzaku won't fail, my lord, believe it."

Cecile: "My lord, is this appropriate? I mean, you're the Viceroy and we're scientists."

Moore: "Oh come on Cecile, I was first a scientist to you. Just attempt to see me as your friend, ok?"

Cecile: "Ok my lord, I'll attempt to do it."

Moore: "Very good. Suzaku, are you ready to go?"

Suzaku pops his head out of the knightmare in surprise.

Suzaku: "My lord, why are you here? I thought you would be at the command center?"

Moore: "I was just saying hello to some friends, and to wish you good luck. Hey Suzaku, would you like to be friends?"

Suzaku: "Friends? But my lord, I'm an eleven."

Moore: "Oh, who cares? You're a soldier and a friend of Lloyd and Cecile, you're a friend. So, what about it?"

Suzaku seems to ponder it, before giving Moore his answer.

Suzaku: "I would be honored, my lord. Thank you."

Moore: "Very well. Good luck, bring back princess Euphemia."

Suzaku: "Yes, your highness."

Suzaku gets inside of the Lancelot and the cockpit closes. The Lancelot is lowered into the hole and the Lancelot prepares to launch. 30 seconds later, the Lancelot launches, barreling into the pipeline.

Moore: "He's really going for it."

Suzaku reaches the area of the cannons, and it let's loose it first barrage. However, Suzaku's reflexes allow him to dodge every pellet. The burst in speed causes a mass amount of air to be released, blwojng back the three scientists.

Cecile: "I warned you about this Lloyd."

Lloyd: "He doesn't wanna be bait, he's going for gold."

Moore: "This is why you picked him, isn't it?"

Suzaku: "Miss Cecile, it's time for my to use the V.A.R.I.S."

Cecile: "No. You could get killed!"

Suzaku: "There's no room for me to evade. I'll risk getting blasted to take the first shot!"

On the video feed, Suzaku takes out a weapon and fires it at the same time the cannon fires a barrage. The laser destroyed the pellets and the cannon. Then, Suzaku burst out of the pipeline.

Moore: "Suzaku, he really did it."

Suzaku fires four quick burst at the support beams lowering the building.

Moore: "He really did it. Jeremiah, Villetta."

Both: "Right."

On the feed, Suzaku notices Zero. He presses a button and the building blows up.

Moore: "EUPHY!!"

Suzaku: "MY FRIENDS!"


A few minutes pass, but still, the smoke clears. The Lancelot appears to be unharmed

Cecile: "He's alright."

Lloyd exhales. However, Moore mourns the loss of another sibling.

Moore: "Damn it. This is all my fault."

Cecile: "My lord, look!"

Moore looks at the TV and notices a broadcast. It's a Broadcast of Zero.

Zero: "Britannian's, have no fear. All of the hostages have been saved and no harm shall come to them"

Moore: "The gall? If we attempted to kill you, then you'd execute the hostages, wouldn't you?"

Zero: "The Japanese liberation front captured civilians and mercilessly executed them, so we brought them to justice. Here, let me show you all something."

Behind Zero, multiple people in black outfits and visors appear.

Zero: "We, are the black knights. We are knights for justice."

Cecile: "The black knights?"

Lloyd: "Ironic, isn't it? The terrorists referring to themselves as knights?"

Moore: "It's truly stupid. They disregard Britannia's grace."

Zero: "Those with power, fear us. Those of you without it, rally behind us. We, the black knights, shall bring justice to this world."

And that's it. Hope you enjoyed

See you later


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