An Arm Up

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C.C.: "Lelouch, An exiled Imperial Prince, has turned into Zero, a terrorist fighting against his homeland. Last time, he released Tohdoh, and damaged Moore, one of the two Viceroys. He also found out that Suzaku was the pilot of the Lancelot. That is where Lelouch is at now. "

Another voice enters the conversation.

V.V.: "However, I have brought someone new into the fold for this story. Moore, an Imperial Prince, Viceroy of Area 11. This little addition, could change all that happens, given time, of course."

The two voices disappears, bringing Moore back to consciousness.


As Moore wakes up, he realizes that something is off in his arms. He can feel both, but the left one feels... Off.

Cecile: "Doctor, Lloyd, he's waking up."

Moore looks to his left, seeing her running up to him, making sure he's alright. He looks down and sees a new, mechanical arm

(The far right one is our arm. Or you can make others yours, whatever.")

Moore: "What

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Moore: "What... The hell... Happened?"

Cecile looks at the door, Lloyd and the Doctor come in.

Doctor: "Viceroy, are you feeling alright? You were bleeding rather heavily."

Moore: "I'm fine. Lloyd, how's the Morgause?"

Lloyd: "It's been repaired, as I believed you'd want. Why?"

Moore attempts to get up and almost falls, but is helped by Cecile.

Moore: "I need to get back out there. Suzaku needs my aid."

Lloyd and Cecile look at each other

Lloyd: "My lord, it's been a day since then."

Cecile: "It's almost time for Euphemia's Knight's ceremony. In an hour."

Moore: "Who did Euphemia choose?"

Euphemia: "I chose Suzaku brother. I'm glad you're alright."

Moore: "So, you decided to go off on your own. I'm proud. Now, let's leave for the ceremony."

Cecile: "But Viceroy, you're still injured."

Moore: "No. Since my arms fixed, nothing else is damaged. They only took my arm."

Euphemia: "There's no use arguing. Moore was always stubborn, even to the Emperor and the Empress."

Moore stands up, his legs shaking, before they straighten. He moves towards Euphemia, and hooks his arm around her shoulder.

Moore: "Let's go Euphy."

Euphemia and Moore walk towards the great hall, to prepare for the ceremony. Euphemia smiles, happy that her brother is fine, and that he's notices she changed.

Dalton: "Your highness, you're alright."

Moore: "Yes. Although, now I'm tainted by
Robotics. I'm no longer of Pureblood."

Moore walks to the curtain moving behind it and to the side of Euphemia. She seems nervous, so he helps her.

Moore: "Euphy, don't worry about it. If nothing else, I approve of your decision. Be proud of your choices."

Euphemia: "Thank you brother."

Guard: "Introducing, Suzaku Kururugi."

Two guards pull open a set of large doors, showing a fancy Suzaku Kururugi.

Suzaku begins walking towards Euphemia and Moore. Sadly, the other members of Royal descent have horribls things to say about him, which make Moore angry.

Moore: "How dare they? He protected me when I was escaping, and could have easily finished me. He is a true member of Britannia in my eyes."

Euphemia looks at Moore in happiness, glad he understands her feelings of Suzaku. However, she looks forward to see Suzaku in front of her.

Euphemia: "Suzaku Kururugi, do you pledge your life and thealty to Britannia?"

Suzaku: "Yes, your highness."

Euphemia: "Do you promise to sacrifice your life, and become sword and shield of the greater good?"

Suzaku: "Yes, your highness."

Euphemia: "Suzaku Kururugi, I deem you knight of Britannia. Rise."

Suzaku rises and looks out at the audience. However, no claps come back.

A metallic sound rings out, rapidly like clapping. The two lovers look back and see Moore, clapping rapidly, congratulating Suzaku

Another set of claps occurs and it comes from General Dalton. This causes the others to join in and clap.

Moore becomes amused and claps Suzaku on the back. He leans into his ear.

Moore: "Congratulations. Take care of my sister, won't you?"

Suzaku: "Yes, your highness."

Moore nods in amusement and turns away. He walks off the stage and out of the hall. Once he gets out of range, he calls someone on his phone.

Moore: "Hello? Yes, I'm doing alright. Britannian medical science is astonishing." (You can thank them for my return, hahahahaha!)

Moore seems to listen to what someone has to say.

Moore: "So, you want me to meet up with you? Alright, I'll be right there, Schneizel."

And that's it. Next chapter will be a board the Avalon.

See you later


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