The Knight... Has Disappeared?

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Suzaku: "How am I alive? I should have died to that blast?"

On the other side of the island.

Zero: "Where are we?"

At the end of the intro, the camera moves towards the Avalon. Lloyd and Cecile are seen, exiting their ship.

Cecile: "Lloyd, do you think Suzaku survived?"

Lloyd: "It's always possible..."

Moore: "But it's improbable."

Moore walks up, with two others in tow.

Lloyd: "Moore, General Bartley, and.."

Cecile: "Prince Schneizel, right here!?"

Bartley: "You... How dare you look down at the second prince of Britannia?"

Cecile: "General Bartley!?"

Cecile trips and falls, injuring her rear. She rubs it, but is offered a hand.

Schneizel: "Yes, I am Schneizel El Britannia, brother to Moore El Britannia, your friend and Viceroy. Please, take my hand."

Cecile: "Ha, yes."

Bartley: "Ah, she's unworthy."

Moore: "Bartley, you really are quite a devoted servant aren't you?"

Bartley: "Primarily, since he was the one responsible for my freedom from imprisonment."

Schneizel: "Bartley, I would appreciate if you stopped viewing me in such a manner. You have been quite useful. It is I who should be thankful."

Bartley: "Your Highness!"

Schneizel: "Bartley. Now, have you pulled the Lancelot from the wreckage?"

Cecile: "We didn't, actually. It seems that Suzaku managed to escape the blast radius, and the Lancelot survived."

Schneizel: (Quietly): "Damn it. That was an easy kill. (Out loud) Alright. Well, Moore, Bartley, Lloyd, and I will search for him while looking at something else. Farewell, Lady Cecile."

Cecile: "Please wait. Were the orders to fire the blast from you?"

Bartley: "You don't want to be in contempt of royalty do you?"

Schneizel: "They we're ours, Moore's and my own. He also fired the hadron. I thought It was the best chance for Suzaku and to destroy Zero. It would have immortalized him, and stabilized area 11. But since he escaped, Zero no doubt escaped as well."

Cecile: "I understand, thank you my lord. I accept any punishment of yours."

Schneizel: "Nonsense it's my fault. Could you, ever forgive me?"

Schneizel and the others walk away, leaving Cecile dumbfounded. As the four walk away, Moore stops and looks at Schneizel.

Moore: "Brother. Can we talk... Alone?"

Schneizel looks at the others and nods his head. Understanding, they leave towards the command bridge, leaving the two to head to another location.

After a minute, they reach Schneizel's office on the Avalon. Schneizel sits on the seat, and Moore takes the seat across from him. Schneizel puts his arms on the table and prepares for an questions.

Schneizel: "So Moore, what's wrong? Are you feeling alright?"

Moore: "I'm alright, but what about you brother. I've never heard you get so... Aggressive like that."

Schneizel: "Ahhh, so you heard that."

Moore: "Of course. Mom always said I had a keen ear for information. So, what's your problem with Suzaku, Euphy's unfortunate crush."

Schneizel: "He's an honorary Britannian, and he's trying to get with a Royal Princess. I'm just trying to get rid of him."

Moore: "Ahhh, I understand. Now that you say it, it makes sense. So, where'd you find Bartley?"

Schneizel: "Bartley was being transported to the homeland to be chained in a dungeon in the castle, but I intercepted it and took him away. He was valuable, and he was one of Clovis's subordinates."

Moore: "So, he know anything... Useful?"

Schneizel: "He was working on a project, a girl named C.C. to show off to the Emperor. However, terrorists captured her, and that's why the Shinjuku ghetto incident occurred."

Moore: "Ahhh, but... What was so important about her that he kept her secret from everyone in the Royal family?"

Schneizel: "I'm afraid thats need to know."

Moore: "Hahaha, very well. Ill keep quiet. Thanks for peaking my interest. See you later, brother.

Moore swipes at the computer, inserting a virus into the computer through the plug. It was a monitoring virus.

Moore leaves his brothers office, walking towards the hanger, to check on the Gawain.

As he enters, he still sees Cecile, now focusing on the Gawain. Moore walks behind her quietly and pounces on her, scaring her.

Cecile I: "Moore! Don't scare me like that! I thought someone had infiltrated the ship."

Moore: "Ok ok, sorry. I'll insure it doesn't happen again. Now, why are you peeking around the Gawain, one of my prized creations?"

Cecile: "Well, it certainly is interesting. It's very powerful, and it has a float system. How did you come up with it?"

Moore: "I got the idea for the float system from the Avalon, and the Morgause's Chaos laser caused me to want a beam, so I created one, but the beans aren't converging. I'll just have to fix it soon."

Cecile: "I could help you. Would you mind?"

Moore: "Very well, but not now. I have to ready it for departure. We have to go to Kamine Island. My brother, Lloyd, Bartley and I are heading there to check an artifact.

Cecile: "Alright, have fun."

Cecile walks away, heading to some place. Moore gets into the Gawain, preparing it for the departure.

Moore: "Alright. Time to see what my brother has to say."

And that's it. Hope you enjoyed.

See you later


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