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At the Britannian Homeland, the ship containing Zero, Suzaku, and Moore lands. Suzaku is holding Zero by the hands, confined to his back, and Moore is following them. Zero's face is blocked by Moore's battle mask, covering his identity.

The three head towards the throne room and enter with the hostage. Upon seeing the three, the emperor sends away all others in the room. Once they leave, the lights dim and Suzaku slams Lelouch on the floor and Moore removes his mask and puts it under his arm.

Charles: "Welcome, Zero, or Lelouch Vi Britannia. It has been a while, hasn't it my errant son?"
Lelouch: "How dare you!?"

Lelouch attempts to raise his head but is slammed into the ground by Suzaku.

Suzaku: "You won't use your Geass."

Lelouch groans and Moore moves towards the emperor. He kneels in front of the emperor.

Moore: "Your Majesty, Zero, my brother, has been brought to you by way of Suzaku Kururugi, former knight of Princess Euphemia, and Private Officer in the Britannian Military."

Charles nods and walks towards Suzaku. Moore stands up and walks behind Suzaku, prepared to hold down Lelouch.

Charles: "So Kururugi, you are the one who captured Zero?"

Suzaku: "Yes sir. It was I and I alone."

Suzaku lowers his head and Charles chuckles, happy at Suzaku's insistence and persistence.

Suzaku: "Your Majesty, forgive my impertinence, but can you please allow me to join the Knights of the round? The strongest knights in the Britannian army."

Lelouch looks at Suzaku with disdain, and Charles scoffs.

Charles: "As a reward for capturing Zero? Very well, Suzaku Kururugi, knight of seven, cover up Zero's left eye."

Suzaku: "Yes, your majesty."
Suzaku covers up Lelouch's left eye and lifts his face, allowing Lelouch to see his father.

Charles: "Lelouch, my unworthy son, who raised the banner of rebellion against the empire although he was a prince of it. Still, we can still find a use for him."
Lelouch: "No, Geass!"

Charles: "I will rewrite your memory, about being Zero, being royalty, and about your mother and sister."

Lelouch: "No, please!"

Charles: "You'll remember none of it, you'll simply be... insignificant."

Lelouch: "No, you're stealing everything from me again. First my mother, and now you're taking Nunnally."

Lelouch starts thrashing and Moore dons his helmet and leaps onto Lelouch, digging his knee into Lelouch's back.

Charles: "Charles Zi Britannia engraves into you..."

Lelouch: "Stop It!!!"

Charles: "False memories of a false life!"

Lelouch thrashes around for a few moments and then stops, appearing to enter a REM sleep state. Suzaku and Moore stand up, Suzaku taking Zero to be placed into his old life. Moore moves to speak to his father.

Moore: "Father, would it be alright if I were to stay here for a while? There is something I need to attend to here."

Charles: "Very well. Stay as long as you would like and need."

Moore nods and leaves, headed towards the Knightmare hanger bay. Moore sits at a construction desk and begins his work, the work of his unfinished prototype, the next version of the Morgause.

Multiple days go by, as Moore receives materials and begins the construction of the Knightmare. It takes a bit longer than last time, as last time he had Cecile and Lloyd, and this time only him. It takes him three days to create the body of the Morgause, fifteen to acquire another piece of the material that empowered the chaos laser, six to create the float system and six to complete the new upgrades.

After the 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) he confined himself to the bay, he stood back and admired his work.

Moore: "Hello. Morgause-Arachnid."

And that is it. I wanted to create my own Knightmare and not use Kuro Mukuro's knightmare. Also, I like this idea. I do not know when part 2 will be released but look forward to it.

See you Later


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