The Rebirth

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Carine: "Moore?"

Guinevere: "You're alive?"

Moore: "Yes sisters, I am. I've returned from the EU and Area 11 intact."

Orpheus: "The EU? Schneizel, did you know that Moore was alive?"

Schneizel: "No. I never saw him. He must've been hiding in the country."

Moore: "On the contrary brother, I was helping you fight your war. But on another note, let's not foul up the Emperor's mood."

Charles: "Moore, my son, it is good to see you again. It was a pity when we lost you. But why now of all times do you show up?"

Moore: "You can thank Cornelia and Euphemia for that. But wnayeays Emperor, I would like to rejoin the race."

Charles: "The race?"

Moore: "The race for the throne. To see who will ascend the throne. I would like to become third in line again."

Royalty: "You come back, and are already demanding things of the Emperor?"

Royal: "You cant get back, you left the throne, like lelouch."

Moore scowls at the name of his lost, deceased brother, whose body hasn't been found, ever.

Moore: "I left for the sake of the empire. Lelouch left for pity of his sister. Anyways, I am Moore el Britannia, I am third in line."

Charles: "Very well. I like the answer you just gave them. Now cameras, start broadcasting."

At the Emperor's command, the camera teams start recording

Charles: "My son, I am glad you're alive, and that you've returned. Now, why have you requested an audience of me?"

Moore: "My liege, I Moore El Britannia, ask of you to allow me to rejoin my place on the throne, third in linenof the throne."

Charles: "Is that all? Very well, you shall be known as, Moore El Britannia, third in line of the imperial throne. You may stand."

Moore stands up and walks towards Cornelia and Euphemia, now noticing that Schneizel has joined them.

Schneizel: "Cornelia, Euphemia, did you know my brother was alive?"

Cornelia: "No Schneizel. In fact, we only figured out after he saved Euphemia."

Moore: "Hello brother. It's been a while, hasn't it? Have your experiments been going well?"

Schneizel turns around in shock, hearing his brothers voice from behind him.

Schneizel: "Brother, is it really you?"

Moore: "Yes brother, it's really me. I'm alive."

Schneizel gives Moore a quick hug and a firm handshake.

Schneizel: "It's good to have you back. I've missed you so."

Moore: "As well as I Schneizel. Now, what have you been doing?"

Schneizel: "I've been working on a new project. It's almost complete, but it's not a knightmare. But I am creating a knightmare for Anya."

Moore: "The knight of the round? What's its name?"

Schneizel: "It's called the Mordred."

Moore : 'So, shes the one who'll pilot the Mordred. It makes sense, she was always destructive.'

Moore: "That reminds me of the tale. Mine came first, the Morgause, while the Mordred will come second."

Cornelia: "Hopefully, the Mordred won't attempt to destroy Britannia, hahahah."

The four let off a laugh, expressing their joy. The four siblings, close as can be, but far at the same time, as royalty.

Schneizel: "I'll be in area 11 in a few days for a while. I'll bring my project when it's done."

Moore: "Oh. Very well, I can wait."

Euphemia: "Moore, Cornelia, we need to return to area 11. We need to go."

Cornelia: "Alright Euphy. Moore, let's go. We can discuss viceroyship on the ship."

Moore: "Very well. Farewell, schneizel my brother."

Schneizel: "farewell Moore. See you ina few days."

The three wave goodbye and head towards the ship. Once they enter, they sit and prepare for takeoff.

Euphemia: "So, about who'll be viceroy?"

Moore: "I've already thought of that. Cornelia will be in charge of the military and I'll be in charge of politics. We'll both be viceroy, and be in charge of different things."

Cornelia: "Very well, that certainly makes sense. I accept."

Moore: "Good. Now, I'm tired, so I'll go to bed. Goodnight."

Both: "Goodnight!"

Moore this time drifts off to bed with the thought of Anya piloting the Mordred and then fighting in battle, together.

And that's it. Hope you enjoyed the chapter

See you later


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