The Prince's Discovery

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Moore stands there, for all to see. Euphemia stands shocked, seeing her brother for the first time in years.

Euphemia: "Brother, is that really you?"

Moore: "Yes Euphy, it's really me. I have returned from hell, the EU, intact."

Cecile: "He was a prince? Did you know Lloyd?"

Lloyd: "I've known him for a long time. Of course I knew. I just didn't tell you because, he asked me not to."

Kewell: "We're terribly sorry your highnesses."

Moore: "Shut up, now! Now, Euphy, I'm sure Cornelia is worried sick, so let's head to the Government Bureau, she'll be there by now.

Euphemia: "Alright Moore, let's go see Cornelia."

Suzaku: "My lady, do you wish for any of us to come with you?"

Euphemia: "Oh, there's no need. My brother is formidable indeed. He might even be a match for the Knight of one?"

Moore: "Now Euphy, we shouldn't say that about Lord Waldstein. He might get angry and punish us again. See you later, Lloyd."

Lloyd: "Alright, see you Moore."

Euphemia climbs onto the raised arm of the Morgause and climbs inside the cockpit.

Moore: "Sorry if it's a bit crowded. There's not supposed to be two people."

Euphemia: "It's alright. I don't mind too much."

Moore: "Alright, just hold on for a little bit."

About 30 minutes later, the two arrive at the bureau. However, the security guards grow wary of the new knightmare.

A member of the Royal guard appears and asks for their names.

Moore: "My name is Moore Stadtfelt, and I ask for entry. I carry Princess Euphemia."

Pilot: "Alright, go right on through."

They let them pass and go through. They head swiftly for the entrance.

Moore: "That was easier than expected. They shouldn't be so lenient."

Euphemia: "There's Cornelia."

Cornelia walks up to the knightmare, with two Southerlands directly behind her.

Cornelia: "State your name and purpose."

Moore: "I am Moore Stadtfelt, and I carry Princess Euphemia after saving her life."

Cornelia: "Euphemia? Well, show us then."

The cockpit block opens and Euphemia pops out.

Euphemia: "Sister!"

Cornelia: "Euphy!"

The knightmare lowers Princess Euphemia down and they hug for a moment.

Cornelia: "Oh thank the stars. I was worried sick for you."

Euphemia: "I'm sorry. The art museum was so boring though."

Cornelia sighs, before looking at the knightmare, with its cockpit block still open.

Cornelia: "You, reveal yourself so I can thank you personally."

Moore gets out of the knightmare and drops to the floor. Once he stands back up, he takes off the helmet and reveals his face.

Moore: "Hello sister, no need to thank me. At first I was simply protecting myself, Euphy was simply behind me."

Cornelia as well stands shocked. The sight of her long lost brother shakes her to her core.

Cornelia: "Brother!"

Cornelia rushes at Moore, before he tries to stop her from hugging him, but fails.

Moore: "Sister, I can't... Breathe."

Cornelia: "Oh, sorry."

Cornelia drops Moore, allowing him to "breathe air" and live life.

Cornelia: "Apologies, it's just a shock you're alive. Where have you been?"

Moore: "Well, at one time, I was helping schneizel with his campaign in the EU, but I left to come back to Area 11. I hear there's a new criminal on the loose?"

Cornelia: "You haven't heard? Hes the murderer of Clovis, Zero."

Moore: "No I haven't heard, I was busy mourning our brothers sudden demise." 'Zero huh, what like nothing.'

Euphemia: "Nevermind that. Stop thinking depressing thoughts, our half brother is alive, basically our brother. We should be together, having fun."

Moore: "I guess you're right Euphy. Shall we?"

Moore extends his hand to Cornelias beckoning her to grab it. Cornelia grabs it, right.

Cornelia: "Yes, yes we shall."

Cornelia and Moore walk down a hallway, further I to the castle, towards a garden, as Euphemia skips to it.

And that's it. Moore has met up with Euphemia and Cornelia. Next, we'll have time in the garden.

See you later


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