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(V.V.: "To recap, Moore was preparing to use the Gawain to power the ruins on Kamine Island. However, he touched the ruins upon activation and disappeared. The Gawain was then stolen, so people couldn't follow after him. Moore showed up in an alternate realm and found a weird superstructure. Upon approaching the area, he is greeted by a familiar voice. His father, Charles Zi Britannia wants a word with him. Let's see what plans his father has for him.")

Moore looks dumbfounded at the ruins around him, as his father watches him, proud of his son for finding this place. Moore than looks back at his father, his mind full of questions.

Moore: "Father, where are we? What is this place? What was it built for?"

Charles: "Calm yourself my son. We have plenty of time to answer any questions that you may have."

Moore lets out a breath of air, and then repeats.

Moore: "Alright Father. First, where are we?"

Charles: "Moore, my Inquisitive son. We are in a place built by my own hands.

Moore: "Alright. How was this place built?

Charles: "This place was made using a secret organization led by me."

Moore: "A secret organization? The people in black robes?"

Charles: "Yes, my son. They are members of the Geass order. A religious order led by my brother."

Moore: "Brother? You have or had a brother?

Charles: "Yes. So, any more questions?"

Moore: "Yes. What was this place built to do?"

Charles: "What was it built to do? This place, the Sword of Akasha, was built as a weapon to destroy God."

Moore: "A weapon to destroy God? So, the rumors are true then, you really are insane."

???: "No, he's not. This is a weapon intended to destroy God."

A child's voice rings out, and a small kid appears at Charles' side. Moore is both surprised and confused at the sudden appearance and the size of the child.

Moore: "Huh? How did a child get in? Father, is this your doing?"

???: "No. I work with him on this project. I am V.V. and I am glad to see you... nephew."

Moore: "Ne... Nephew? What does he mean by this, Father?"

Charles: "Moore, you are smart, aren't you? What type of person must he be if he calls you, his nephew?"

Moore: "Well, that would mean... that he's, my uncle?! But that is impossible, this child cannot be my uncle, Hes younger than me."

V.V.: "No, that is incorrect. You see, I am much older than you. Even centuries older."

Moore: "Centuries older? That's impossible, that is the largest human flaw. The flaw of constraints of our life span. Father, I demand an explanation."

Charles: "Fine, but Moore. I will require for you to do something for me."

Moore: "Understood father. Go on, explain what my "uncle" says."

Charles: "Moore, my son. Half a century ago, the imperial throne was a hell on earth. Our family was mere rivals competing for the throne. Daily betrayals were spawned by lies, killing each other off. Even Marianne, my wife was killed off by it."

Moore: "So, she was killed by Royal family members. Who was it?"

Charles: "I don't know. If I did, they would be executed, very painfully."

Moore notices Charles staring at V.V., but V.V. doesn't notice. He stares off at the Sword of Akasha.

Charles: "So, me and my brother swore an oath. To create a world without lies."

Moore: "Create a world without lies. Hah, you fool. You must be stupid; people lie that's their nature."

V.V.: "True, but that's why we created this. To bring us back to a time when people didn't know how to lie."

Moore: "Thats impossible. You're going to force people not to lie. But that's essentially bending mankind's spirit to your will."

Charles: "Over time, the people will come to accept it. But now Moore, I have a request for you."

Moore: "Yes, Father?"

Charles: "I would like for you to battle the knight of two and become him."

Moore: "What? Battle the knight of two? But why?"

Charles: "I have noticed your skill, and with you as a knight, you would have great power. You would strike fear into your enemies and serve greatly to the empire."

Moore: "Very well, as you wish, my lord."

Charles: "Many thanks Moore. Now to get out of here, just go past us to the thought elevator, that platform at the bottom. I'll be there shortly; I simply have something to discuss with my brother."

Moore nods and walks past V.V., but he grabs Moore's hand. Moore stops briefly, as if he's seen something. He looks at V.V. as he nods, and Moore walks away. When he reaches the thought elevator, he only waits for ten minutes before his father appears before him.

Moore: "Where is the knight of two, as of now?"

Charles: "I'll call for him to return to the homeland. Now, I'll activate the thought elevator."

Charles puts his hand on a console, and a wall on light appears in front of them. Charles and Moore walk through it, and they appear in the dungeon of the castle.

Moore: "Why are we here? I thought we'd appear in the islands of Kamine."

Charles: "No, we do not. I had a gateway personally transported to the homeland, for this purpose."

Moore: "Alright Father. I'm going to go wash up. I must announce my return anyway. Farewell, your majesty."

Charles: "Farewell Moore."

Moore walks away towards his chambers as Charles watches with suspicion.

Charles: "Bismarck, call the knight of two back to the homeland. It's time for her to retire."

Bismarck: "As you wish, your highness."

The emperor shuts off the communicator, and smirks.

Charles: "Now, things will get interesting."

And that's it. Hope you enjoyed.

See you later


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