Prince Of Britannia

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Moore jolts awake, aware of their sudden landing, arousing him from his sleep.

Euphemia: "Moore, did you sleep well?"

Moore: "Very much so. You have such a beautiful singing voice that I couldn't help but drift off."

Cornelia: "Right? That's why I banned her from singing at meetings."

The three share a genuine laugh. Now this is a sight, three members of royalty truly enjoy each other.

Pilot: "Viceroy, we've landed. You are clear to depart."

Moore: "Thank you. Shall we, ladies?"

Both: "We shall."

The three depart the ship, as its ramp lifts and it lies, dormant.

Carine: "But I want to greet the two on their arrival."

Guinevere: "Orpheus, what do you think?"

Orpheus: "We mustn't be too hasty ladies, when they arrive, we don't want to be assertive. We might scare Euphemia away.

The three share a laugh, but Moore let's out a gasp. He quickly grabs his helmet and puts it on, hiding his identity.

As the three turn the corner, they let out a gasp as they notice that their guests had arrived.

Carine: "Euphemia, Cornelia, you're here!"

Carine rushes at Cornelia and Euphemia, crushing them in a hug. Guinevere and Orpheus walk over and shake their heads.

Guinevere: "Carine, get off them. You're going to asphyxiate them."

Guinevere pries Carine off of the two princesses, allowing them to breathe.

Orpheus: "My apologies. Carine is simply, needy right now. Now, who are the people with you?"

Cornelia: "Oh. These are Andreas Dalton and my knight, Gilford. The other is..."

She goes to introduce Moore, but he appears to be gone.

Guinevere: "There's no one else there? Are you alright?"

Euphemia: "It must simply be flight sickness. We did have to fly from Area 11 to Britannia."

Carine: "True. Now, shall we go? The Emperor seeks an audience of every Royal member, all that's left, anyway."

The five begin walkig towards the great hall, while Cornelia and Euphemia whisper.

"Euphemia: "Where's Moore? He said he'd introduce himself again."

Cornelia: "Don't worry. He'll be there, trust me."

The two continue walking, until they reach the hall.

With Moore.

Moore is in his old room, looking for an outfit. He sees one he likes. It's a schneizel's outfit, except black and with red outlines.

Moore: "Glad the outfit I had created 12 years ago. I was 12 back then. It's time to show it off."

Moore slips into his outfit, and it fits him like a glove. He puts on his black gloves to fully complete the look. He puts on the black scabbard his mother had made for him, and inserts his new sword, also fresh.

Moore then stands in front of the mirror, admiring his outfit.

Moore: "Alright. I think it's time to surprise everyone."

Moore walks out of his mansion and walks towards the main hall, where the ceremony is being held. Once he reaches the hall, there's a large door, beckoning his entrance.

Moore: "Who am I to deny this door it's purpose? It'll also give me a grand entrance."

Moore puts not hands on the door, and pushes it open. All conversation in the room stops, surprised by the sudden arrival.

Moore begins walking forward, moving towards the throne, with a bit of stride.

Royal: "Who is that?"

Royal: "How dare he burst into the britannian grand hall without permission."

Euphemia: "Sister, it's Moore. The man you liked. He looks handsome in that, by the way."

Cornelia looks at the man and blushes before answering Euphemia.

Cornelia: "Yes Euphemia, for a time. But now, he's grown older and I like Gilford. Now, let's watch."

Moore reaches the throne, before kneeling in front of the Emperor.

Moore: "Hello sire. Your ever faithful servant, Moore el Britannia, has returned at last."

And thats it. Hope you enjoyed it. I decided to make him a custom outfit.

See you later


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