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Officer: "The Japan Liberation Front was almost wiped out by your Narita operation, Viceroys."

Moore: "Are you kidding? We almost lost all of our forces in that fiasco."

Officer: "Oh. I'm sorry."

Cornelia: "What about the Black Knights? Were we able to track them out of the mountains?"

Officer: "I'm afraid not, your highness. They escaped in the fiasco with the Liberation Front."

Cornelia: "Using someone else's movements to cover your escape. What cowardice."

Moore: "However, it shows that Zero must understand how we operate."

Officer: I'm afraid they escaped through the underground railroad system."

Gilford: "The occupational government is responsible. They've done nothing about the underground railway system. They allow resistance to Brew in the ghettos, as rebellion spreads unchallenged!"

Officer: "Unfortunately, the occupational government doesn't have enough funds to fill them in. Also, they aren't able to, to stop the Chinese from having their excuse to invade."

Moore: "They've already got it. Zero has weakened our defenses and almost neutralized our ability to defend seaward."

Cornelia: "We need to capture Zero, before we collapse completely."

Dalton: "Viceroys, a group of elevens have been elected to govern this area. They're known as the N.A.C."

Moore: "You're correct. During the battle, we attempted to find anything on them, but it was buried in the landslide. However, our suspicions remain high"

Gilford: "If we suppress them now, then they'll certainly fall apart."

Cornelia: "A group of Blue Bloods and Plutocrats. Relics of a bygone age."

Officer: "There's no evidence at all! If we suppress them, then the elevens economy, will certainly collapse. That means no tax revenue."

Cornelia: "And what about Zero and the Black Knights?"

Moore: "Sister, at the top of the mountain, i located a shield generator. It appears to have been the cause of the landslide."

Cornelia: "The landslide was man-made? That's interesting. I want a report later."

Moore: "Very well, your highness."

As the meeting goes on, Moore gets more bored. The officers only care about protexting the economy. Eventually, Moore just leaves and goes to repair his knightmare.

Moore: "Useless Government officials. They know nothing, and care about nothing but the wealth I'm their pockets."

Suzaku: "Viceroy Moore!"

Moore looks back, seeing Suzaku run towards him.

Moore: "Suzaku. Where have you been? You weren't at the previous operation, the one at Narita."

Suzaku: "I apologize, my lord. I remembered something about my father, and visited his grave."

Moore: "That makes sense, just don't let it happen again. Where's Lloyd and Cecile?"

Suzaku: "They're in the lab. Well, I have to leave. I have to use the lancelot to dig bodies out of the landslide."

Moore: "Alright. Well, have fun."

Moore waves back at Suzaku, seeing him leave. He then walks towards the hanger, to bring the Morgause to Lloyd's lab.

20 minutes later, the Morgause is in Lloyd's lab, getting looked at by the three scientists.

Lloyd: "Geez Moore, you really got this thing wrecked. What caused this much damage."

Moore: "Rakshata's knightmare. It got a hold of some parts and destroyed them. It emitted a surge, which confirmed my suspicions."

Lloyd: "So, it really was her."

Cecile: "It's interesting that she'd work with someone like Zero."

Moore: "She did always crave a certain... Thrill, in life."

Lloyd: "Anyways, why's the Morgause here? You're the one who created it."

Moore: "It'd be faster if you could get involved and fix it with me. Three heads and six arms are better than one and two."

Cecile: "Understood, your highness."

Moore: "Cecile, I told you to call me Moore. We're friends after all."

Cecile: "I'm trying your highness. It's just against my nature."

Moore: "Very well. Now, I need to get the wrist-harkens fixed. Those worked wonderfully. Also the blade. And I need to finish work on a revolutionary project."

Cecile: "What project?"

Lloyd let's out a yelp of happiness and runs over to Moore.

Lloyd: "Did you complete it?"

Moore goes to the Morgause and pulls out a blueprint.

Moore: "A flight module. Will allow knightmares to fly, but only ours."

Lloyd: "Why?"

Moore: "Because, if it's ours, then the military won't ask for it until it's finished."

Cecile: "A smart move."

Moore: "Alright, let's get to work."

Moore works on the blade, and Cecile and Lloyd look at the harkens. Lloyd in intervals looks at the plans for the flight module.

Lloyd: "Moore, where'd you come up with this idea?"

More: "I'm coming up with a new knightmare. However, it's not complete yet, so I can't show you."

Lloyd: "Alright, I'll curb my curiosity.

Once they're finished, they breathe a sigh of relief. Moore is interrupted by a clearing of a throat."

Euphemia: "Brother, I require your immediate aid."

Moore sighs and looks at the others.

Moore: "Well, duty calls. See you guys."

Moore runs off, to aid euphemia in her affairs, not knowing what is about to happen.

And that's it. I decided to make Moore the creator of the Flight pack, just to give him more expertise. He is an El Britannia, after all.

See you later.


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