Why you gotta be so rude?

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Hi guys!!! I've been meaning to update for a while,but completely forget about this for a while.Sorry!But this chapter will be interesting,and certain things will be revealed.You'll see what I mean when you read it! 


*Dan's pov* 

No no no!Agh,I can't find it!" I groan.I've already searched everywhere,and I STILL can't find the book about The Central Bank of Iraq robbery!Oh, I'm gonna be in so much trouble!Out task was to do research on this and make notes about this?We had to study the strategy and timing,and things like that.As I'm tossing books aside frantically,I see...Magnus?Sitting at a table,all by himself highlight text and grumbling to himself.It's my roommate Magnus,the emo boy I love to hate. 

"Kouzo,what are you doing?"He sighs,"You've been panicking about something for the last five minutes." 

"I need to do research about the Central Bank of Iraq robbery!Ohhhh! I'm gonna be in so much-hey Magnus,can I copy your notes?" I ask 


 "Please Magnus-" 

Kravitz starts glaring at us over her computer with an eyebrow raised 

"Shut up Kouzo! Kravitz is looking.We're gonna get kicked out.I'll let you copy if you zip your mouth!" He hisses 

"Thanks Magnus!You saved me!" I whisper,and I swear Magnus's ears turned slightly red. 

He scoffed in disgust and mumbled something under his breath.I pull up a chair next to him and start scanning over the textbook.I inspect his notes.He has surprisingly neat handwriting.I snap back into focus and start hastily scribbling things in my book.I look up and grin at Magnus,whose eyes widen and he turns away from me.Well Magnus is pretty strange,the more you be nice to him,the more he pulls away.Not that I care.I mean if Magnus is still gonna hold a grudge against me,then I should do the same. 

*Magnus's pov* 

While Kouzo is still fast asleep,snoring (fortunately) I go to the library to finish up my notes on the Central Bank of Iraq robbery.Quite an interesting robbery actually,I wonder when we'll ever be allowed to do something like that.What I found out; 

Stolen: Over $920 million

Another robbery in Baghdad became the largest bank heist in history. The mastermind was none other than Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

One day before the Iraq War began in 2003, he sent three large trucks to the Central Bank. He also sent his son Qusay with a handwritten note asking to withdraw nearly $1 billion to keep it from enemy hands. The money was loaded into vans and driven away.

Most of the cash was recovered in the ensuing raids — but it doesn't end here. Tasked with counting the illicit loot, American soldiers made off with hundreds of thousands of dollars for themselves and their families. Thirty-five service members were caught.Our task was to do research on the robbery.Find out how they carried it out,their timings and strategies.I believe this is good enough.I glance up to find Kouzo tossing books frantically. 

Kouzo,what are you doing here?You've been panicking about something for the last five minutes." 

"I need to do research about the Central Bank of Iraq robbery!Ohhhh! I'm gonna be in so much-hey Magnus,can I copy your notes?" He asks


 "Please Magnus-" 

Kravitz starts glaring at us over her computer with an eyebrow raised 

"Shut up Kouzo! Kravitz is looking.We're gonna get kicked out.I'll let you copy if you zip your mouth!" I hiss

"Thanks Magnus!You saved me!" Kouzo whispers, quite loud and my ears start burning.I scoff in disgust and mumble about how I'm going to regret this under my breath.He pulls up a chair next to me and starts reading.He leans over to check my notes.He starts writing things things in his book.He looks up grins at me,my eyes widen and I turn away from him.Kouzo is really up to something suspicious,trying to gain my trust like this.But I need to figure out why I feel so...so strange around him.A pierce shrieking sound can be heard. Kravitz stands up,hands flat on the desk.

She announces"Magnus black,Dan Kouzo.Detention,for the both of you.Now hurry and do it in silence,before I double it." We grab our books and leave the text books we used there, abandoned,and run to our lessons. 


(At detention) 

*Dan's pov* 

This is my first detention.Ever.And it's with Haavik,the craziest one of all.I fold my arms on my desk and bury my head in my arms.This is the worst day ever,and Magnus is here,too.He,on the other hand,is staring into the distance,face resting on his chin. 

"So,what mischief did you get up to this time?" Haavik purrs 

"You don't need to know." Magnus says at the same time as I say 

"We were late for class." 

"Sorry I'm late everyone!I got confused and went downstairs instead of up."Riot says as she waltzes in,and smirks as she realises that she,Magnus and I are in detention together. 

"Oh did you now?And why are you here?" 

"Aay was asking me a fascinating question about the work,and I was answering it,but I got carried away,and didn't realise I was interupting Storm." She lies 

" Ooh~ You are a wonderful liar,Riot!Now spit out that gum and I'll pretend I didn't see it." Haavik says 

Riot sighs before spitting it out in a tissue,which smears it with bold red lipstick. 

"Really,'got carried away with answering a question' ? Is that all?" Magnus questions,a brow raised. 

"It was better then what you would've said.And besides,it is sorta true." 

"So..." Riot turns to us, with a malicious glint in her eye. She glances back at Haavik,whose typing something up. 

"I heard you two had kissed." She whispers


"Who said that?" 

She shrugs 

"Oh,I uh...forgot.But it is true~" 

"How do you know?!" 

"You just admitted it yourself! Don't worry,I won't tell anyone!" She teases 

"Listen Riot,we were forced to.That stupid Kiss camera kept on focussing on us,so we had too.I would never kiss Kouzo by choice,ever." 

"Ah ha!Well then,I must have bribed the cameraman with enough money if it was successful!" Riot giggles 

"What???Riot,you bribed the cameraman to do that???" I squeak,"But-but how did you know we went to watch a basketball match???" I ask,utterly baffled 

"You told me yourself! Remember,I asked you were you would go if you got the chance to,and you told me that yourself!" 

She inspects her nails with a sly smirk playing on her lips. 

"Why you Riot!I will get my revenge!" Magnus snarls 

"No need to!You enjoyed it right?" 

Magnus's ears turned redder than Dragon's scales.

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