Fate wants us together

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Hi guys!Yes I'm back,with another fluffy Magdan chapter!So wait no longer, because I've updated again! 


*Dan's pov* 

It was a completely surprising announcement.And after this,little did I know that during the course this mission,my life was about to change forever.Everything I had known,or what I thought I had known,had changed,even though I kept denying it. 


"Good Morning! V.I.L.E academy!We have rather tremendous news!"Haavik purrs 

"Indeed!Because...two of the finest students from V.I.L.E academy will go out,into the the real world,to help steal Diamonds from the Diamant Museum."Kravitz continues 

"And the two skilled students that're blessed with this honour are..." 

"Dan Kouzo and Magnus Black!"They announce in unison. 

"However,older children will be accompanying them." Storm says 

"Anzu Fujuki and Akio Sennen will be accompanying Dan Kouzo and Magnus Black.Now,if your name hasn't been called.You are dismissed." Excitement fizzes in me as I stand up,and walk towards the faculty,on the stage.Magnus,and the older kids strolling beside me.I inhale to contain my excitement.Older kids! Mission!Crime! 

"So,as it has been announced,you four will be going on a mission,"

We all nod. 

"And you four have been selected because you are the finest students in the academy,and excel our expectations in all categories,and that is a rare thing.You have been selected,and you will not let us down.Do you hear me?"Philomena asks 

"You will have a week's training,before you go.You are dismissed." 

"It looks like it's you and me again,Kouzo." Magnus sighs

"It's as if fate wants us to be together or something." 

"Even after all this time,you still aren't any easier to tolerate."He remarks 

"A mission with the older kids,in the real world.Stealing!Us!This is amazing!"I yell 

Magnus chuckles at my enthusiasm and pats my arm lightly,before leaving.And that pat made my face burn,and made my heart race,and gave me strange feelings in my gut.But what is it Magnus does to me? 

*Magnus's pov* 

Once I'm in my dorm,I shut the door behind me and sink to the floor.It's almost as if Kouzo says,maybe the universe wants us to be together.But that can't be,because there is litteraly no chance of us ever getting together,we hate each other. 

"Magnus!"A somewhat familiar voice cries 

I open the door and poke my head out 

"What do you want Kouzo..."I finish my sentence there as I realise it's Riot.Probably here to tease me to her satisfaction about how Kouzo and I have ended up together.Again.

"Oh,so you're thinking about Dan,Huh?"She asks,with a poker face,but I know she's biting back a smile. 

"What,no.His idea of fun contrasts to mine.I have no reason to think about him,unless I brood about how much I loathe him."I say,slamming the door in her face. 

"I'm being serious this time Magnus!Do you like Dan?"She asks,just before it shuts 

My mouth hangs open,I shut it and snarl at her 

"Look,I get it.It's difficult to understand these feelings. Especially since you two have been rivals so many years.But sometimes...you know things change,so much even,that you find yourself falling for your enemies.But I just want to know,and I just want to help." She explains

I raise an eyebrow at her 

"I...Do not like Kouzo.And that is an absurd assumption,saying I like him.And very bold.Now,would you please stop shiping us,and go?" 

"Alright.I wish you guys luck on your mission!" She walks of with a noticeable spring in her step.She is up to something.Kpuzo starts walking this way,so I shut the door,and run my fingers over my dusty bookshelf.I should clean it out sometime. 

"Why was Riot walking past just a second ago?"Kouzo asks as he walks in 

I put my selected book down.

"She was asking about what the faculty said to us,and told me she wishes us luck for the mission." 

I explain while brushing my bangs out of my face 

"Oh.Cool.We're going to have training after lunch."He says as he throws his hands behind his head. 

I mentally groan.At least if we do this,we might graduate early. 

*Dan's pov* 

Riot was sitting on a table,yes on a table with a packet of sandwiches in hand and flashes me a wave.So I return it.Behind her,Kurin and Aay are sitting on the chairs,hands intertwined on the table for everyone to see.They grin at me 

"So,how are the two lovebirds?"I ask 

"Doing great! There's so much public display of affection.Gross!"Riot mimes being sick and I laugh.While Aay yells at Riot as Kurin blushes furiously,I rake a hand through my brown hair.

"Congratulations you guys on being chosen." Kurin says

"Yeah.Make V.I.L.E proud!"Aay pumps his first in the air 

"Ugh,Might as well get to training before lunch ends." 


"Yeah, we're having separate training sessions in prep for the mission." 

"Well,you better hurry, there's about 5 minutes left until lunch ends!" Riot exclaims 

"I know.Thanls,bye guys!" 

"Bye."They chorus 

I make it just in time to find everyone else there. 

"Where were you Kouzo?"Magnus asks 

"We have two minutes left." A boy points out.

"My name is Akio,I guess we'll be seeing each other around,then."He introduces.He has raven black, slightly wavy hair dyed purple at the tips.He has coal black eyes,and a black hoodie with white stripes in the center to match,and white sneakers.He smiles timidly at us and then coughs delicately. 

"Anzu." He whispers 


"Introduce yourself." 

"Oh,sorry I was just observing." A girl who I had barely noticed before steps out of the shadows 

"Hi...I'm Anzu." She makes a faint gesture of a wave and lowers her hand,and folds it with the other.She has waist long silver hair some partially tied up with a black hair tie,and matching silver eyes.She's wearing a slightly over sized,unziped red hoodie,with white stripes on it.She has a mismatching yellow t-shirt,a black belt which also has compartments to hold things,like a grappling hook,a torch and a throwing star.She wears blue shorts over black leggings,and black platform boots. 

"Well,know that you have introduced yourselves to each other,we can get started." Philomena says. We start off with a trust fall,to gain trust in our new team mates.It's not going to be long now,soon we'll be good theives!

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