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*Dan's pov* 

"I'd like you to meet my colleagues Dan, I'm sure you know them." Benton says


The car door opens, and a blunette steps out, wearing an oversized jumper with blue hexagons. She folds her arms across her chest. A blond timid boy joins her, dressed in a loose sky-blue shirt and a navy tie. Finally, a boy with crimson headphones and an olive green jacket steps out. They all have matching black glasses, 

"Dan?" The blunette lowered her glasses. 

"Guys???" I exclaim 

"Dan!" They chorus. We run up to each other, and the embrace is suffocating, but I don't let go. My heart swells as my vision blurs, and my throat is as dry as sandpaper. 

"We were so worried about you after you left. We thought you were kidnapped, or worse. . . Dead!" Wynton wails 

"But then, we got recruited for A.C.M.E. We took the job, of course. We then found out that you were involved in the V.I.L.E academy. We couldn't be more glad to shut it down, knowing your life of crime would end. Speaking of which, why did you join V.I.L.E?" Lia ask."I.. I ran away from home. It was a fucking nightmare, I hated it. My parents were always arguing, and my mum almost got killed by my dad. I had a small backpack with me, and ran, far, far away. I was constantly hiding, I didn't want the social services to find me. I began stealing to survive, and somehow, Kravitz found me. She offered a place at V.I.L.E food, shelter. . . Friends. I didn't care about the risks, or how evil it was. I just wanted to make sure that I didn't have to go to sleep each night thinking it could be my last." Shun's eyes glisten. 

"But hey, I met some great people! Guys, these are my friends, Meet Kurin, Aay and Riot!" I step back so they come into view, "And lastly, Magnus!" I exclaim, wrapping an arm around him, Emily giggling. He smiles, and my heart accelerates. It's been so long since I've genuinely seen him smile. 

"Oh~ your boyfriend, huh?" Lia smirks 

"Huh??? WHAT- no no, not my boyfriend, we just like each other!" I explain, cheeks flushing. 

"Dan, you don't have my permission to be dating. HOW COULD YOU?" Wynton fake sobs into his hands, mock misery. "I'm joking, but when you guys get married, call us. I'll be your best man," He says, in a sing-song voice. He gives me a wink. We watch as my friends bond, the smile on my face growing wider with each passing second. I inhale sharply, standing before my house. I battle a wave of nausea. I raise my hand to the doorbell and press it. 

"Mum? I'm home." A lady rushes to the door. Her eyes flood with tears, and her jaw drops. We wrap our arms around each other, her grip squeezing the air out of me. I inhale her familiar scent of cinnamon. An unspoken form of communication through tears and laughter. 

*Magnus's pov* 

The A.C.M.E agent turns to us, piercing gaze settling on us. 

"I'm Benton, and I'd like to adopt the both of you . . ." 

(5 months later. . .) 

Riot stands before the door, grinning proudly. Several cameras flash while photographers take pictures of us. 

"Come in!" She exclaims, and pushes open the door before switching the light on, "This is my café, Deep breath," The cameras still following us. Balloons in every shade of white and pink imaginable are Bessie the mural on the wall, vivid images of serenity. The wooden floorboard creaks. The counter is stocked with appetising delicacies, and the tantalising scent of bakeries is noxious. The chairs are high, with golden legs and punk plush. My eyes widen in awe, a sakura tree is planted next to the cash machine. 

"What inspired you to name your cafe?" The journalist asks, frantically scrawling notes. The journalist's glasses are sliding down to her nose, hair escaping her slick bun. Riot is composed, hands on her lap, her smile never fading. 

"Well, sometimes things are overwhelming in life. I'd like to think of my café as an escape, a place where you can take a deep breath! I'd be more than happy to talk to my customers about their problems and listen if they want. Making the world a better place is part of my mission." after the journalists finish, our first customers begin to file in. . . 


The agent turned out to be Philomena's brother. Now Emily and I have the life that I could never provide, infinite food, healthcare and privileges such as technology. Turns out, the A.C.M.E agent is Philomena's brother Rother! He's nice overall, and his name is Benton. Benton went to the police station in the hopes to get them to attend the funeral. He explained the whole situation. The receptionist called in the manager, and he agreed to let them go, on the condition that the police would attend to supervise. A knock at the door. I rush to open it, and I'm greeted by a familiar face.


"Ready." Dan confirms, squeezing my hand. Emily and Benton tag along, while Dan and I walk hand in hand to the funeral. With half an hour left, Benton triple-checks everything is in place. As more faces file in, we begin. Strange enough, no one has seen Ajit ever since V.I.L.E shut down. Benton taps his ginger against the microphone, and it echoes throughout the graveyard. He stands on a podium, the grave placed next to him. We take a seat on the black chairs. Ominous, grey clouds gang up over the graveyard, patrolling alongside the police officers, sitting in their cars. 

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn the loss of my sister, Philomena. Despite being involved in many criminal activities, she was someone I looked up to through a lot of our childhood. She was bold, determined and intelligent, and always had my back. It wasn't till we reached adulthood that we chose our career paths and we parted. Although my love for my sister is infinite, my calling to good was greater. She suffered a truly revolting death, with the murderer sipping on her blood, and her eyes gauged out," The crowd gasped and murmured roll. "Dan has a few things to say." Dan turns to me with a grin and winks, before letting go of my hand and walking up to the podium. Applause ripples throughout the cemetery. 

"At my time in V.I.L.E, I got to discover what an amazing headteacher she was. Firm but understanding, determined and stubborn, and pledged loyalty and devoted her life to it. She was even willing to die, meaning if, in the end, we could succeed. Without her, V.I.L.E never would've shaped up to be the glorious academy it was. Dan walks off the podium. Benton raises his eyes to the sky as if talking directly to her. 

"Wherever you are, Philomena, you deserve to rest. We'll meet you there one day. Not too soon though. You'll never be forgotten, you'll always remain in our hearts. Please, watch over us for now and guide us. A minute of silence." The rain mixes with the tears on my face; the salt differentiating the tears from the rain. 

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