Not exactly a truce

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Hi guys!!!The views on my story are sky rocketing!I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who's read this story!I really appreciate it! 

Enjoy ^^ 

*Dan's pov* 

I can't sleep properly,after all the drama between Riot and Aay,and Magnus and I.Riot's a nice person, don't know about Aay though,but I really think they should make up.They don't wanna be enemies,having an enemy is never fun, especially when you share a room with them.Magnus is asleep,snoring gently.I get out of bed and creep over to the windowsill and climb on it.I see why Magnus likes sitting here.A wave of serenity washes over me and I rest my chin on my knees.The ink black sky is dotted with the occasional twinkling star.But the moon is nowhere to be seen. 

I kind of miss my old life,my friends at least.They always had my back,and we where inseparable.But it all became to much.And Magnus just assumes I have an easy life.I may not know much about his life,but I know that everyone goes through obstacles,and overcomes them. 


My friend and I went to pinpoint park with a cardboard box in tow.We planned to turn it into a pirates ship,and hunt for treasure.We put the 'boat' into the water and climbed into it. 

"Ahoy,matey.We be looking for the treasure at X marks the spot!" 

"Aaaargh!It shall be so much fun!We're going to rich!" 

Eventually,after 'sailing' in our 'boat',the water was filling most of it up,and it was sinking fast.We climbed out of it in time,and paddled to the grass.We were coughing up water and soaking wet.My mum was not impressed!

"Aww,our cardboard boat didn't work!"

"But that doesn't mean we should give up,Dan.Let's try again tomorrow." 

"Yeah.Can you promise me something important?" 

"Yeah,sure.What is it?" 

"Let's promise to always be best friends for ever,and always support each other,no matter what." 


We wrapped our pinkies around each others and smiled. 

End of flashback

 I promised to him that we would be best friends forever,and then I went and broke it.He must hate my now,after all this. I really should get some sleep,I don't wanna be late for class.I hop off the window sill,and finally drift off to sleep. 

Here they go again.My dad picks up my mum's favourite vase,the one he had gotten her for their anniversary,and hurls it at her.She raises her hand in front of her face to protect herself,and I stand in front of her to protect her. The vase lands on the floor,and the impact sends tiny shards of glass flying,and the roses lay limply on the floor.Water leaks from the vase,and soaks the floor.Fragments of glass are scattered across the floor


"Please,stop.Think about Dan, he's your son!You love him!Please!" 

My eyes open and I sit up in bed.Sweat trickles down my face and I wipe it away with my sleeves. 

"Oh,just a weird dream." I sigh and go back to bed

*Magnus's pov* 

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