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It's nighttime and Mama is giving my baby brother Leo a bath, she said papa was in a meeting, but I was too impatient. I'm bored and I want to play now. Knocking softly on his office door and peeling open the door giving my papa the biggest puppy eyes, "Papa can I go play hide and seek with Luca?"
He looks up from his desk to give me a stern look. "Yes Mia cara, but only inside the house okay."

I immediately shout "okay thank you!" Closing the door as quickly as possible before he changes his mind. I'm running back to the game room as fast as my little legs can go to find Luca.

The second I see Luca laying on the sofa, I'm tugging on his hands to play hide and seek. He's whining for me to stop, but I'm ready to burst into tears to get him to play with me. Reluctantly he said "fine, but only one game Lia! I want to play on my iPad after!"

He's walking to the corner of the room, and as I hear him turn to the wall and counting down, I'm running as fast as I can down the hall until I bump into someone.

As I look up I see one of the workers, Lucia. She's smiling down at me and whispers "I know a perfect hiding spot, you just have to close your eyes and I'll take you". Without waiting for a response, she picks me up and rushes me down the long hallway. I'm too excited for Luca to find me to notice how long she has been walking. Until I feel raindrops on my face. Opening up my eyes, I noticed we're outside in the woods next to our house.

"Papa says I can't go outside." Scared of getting yelled at by mama and papa, I'm trying to wiggle out of her hold. But I feel something going over my mouth. I hear Luca yelling inside the house that he's coming to find me. But it's getting harder to breath and I'm squirming, but the hold Lucia has on me is getting tighter, I can't breath or scream. I feel my body going limp and everything is slowly going black. I hope Luca finds me soon. I don't like this game anymore.

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now