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Waking up to the scent of dark roast coffee again, I snuggle deeper into Nico's warm chest. I can feel his fingers playing with the ends of my hair. He whispers, "Good morning angel."

"No" not ready to leave the safety of his arms.

He chuckles, "aren't you hungry?"

Just then, my stomach growls. Groaning, "fine."

He pecks me on the forehead, "go get ready, I'll wait for you."

Twenty minutes later, Nico's adding everything I like to my plate. Sitting at the breakfast nook this time, we're eating in a comfortable silence. As we finish up, I hear the doorbell ring and hear my name being called. Walking to the living room, I see the test proctor, Mr. Ruiz, from yesterday. He's hooking up his laptop to the tv while my family is on the couch. My papa directs us to sit too.

"He wants to show us what he discovered with your results."

Mr. Ruiz nods and begins his presentation, clicking through the slides. "After your tests yesterday. I looked at your previous work during online school. Everything that dates back to when you first started. There was a pattern in every homework and test you've done. You've finished your work at the fastest speed and earned full marks every single time. You were placed in standard classes when you should've been placed higher. Even the tests you took yesterday were done in half the amount of time a standard student would typically take, and you received full marks on all of them. You were getting through them so fast, I decided to test you with college placement tests. And you got full marks on those too."

"Where are you going with this?" My papa asks.

"Your daughter may be a genius." Says with a voice full of excitement.

"I have a photographic memory." I answer truthfully.

"A. Genius. It's not that you remember the subjects, but you understand it. I had you take an highschool exit exam as well. With your passing score and your gpa. You can graduate highschool right now."

Nodding my head, I ask, "So what do I do now?"

"College is an option, but your future is up to you."

"I'd like to think about it some more, if that's okay."

"Of course. I'll process all your tests and enter them in the system tomorrow morning. Ms. Romano, you're going to be amazing at whatever you choose to do. It was a pleasure working with you." Bowing his head, he takes his leave.

"You continue to surprise me Mia Cara." My dad smiles proudly at me.

"It's not a big deal," downplaying what Mr. Ruiz said.

"Don't play it down, you're going to do great things angel." Nico says into my ear.

Luca walks over rubbing the top of my head, "don't doubt yourself Lia, you just haven't had a chance to reach your full potential yet."

Leo chimes in, "and we'll help any way we can, if you need it!"

I'm blushing from all the attention. "Thank you." I say quietly.

"Come on, let's go workout." Nico stands up, taking my hand and pulling me up too. He leads me back upstairs, "I want to try something, do you trust me?"

Without having to think about it, I nod.

He smiles, "Good. Change into shorts and a tank top. I'll wait for you out here."

Doing as he told, I changed quickly and rushed back out to him. He leads me to our home gym. He doesn't stop until we're in front of the pool. "I want to work on your fear of water. I want you to get in the pool with me. And once you're more comfortable, I can teach you how to swim." He notices the reluctance on my face. "I promise, I won't let you drown or get hurt. If you can't handle it, we'll get out immediately." Still scared, I nod.

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now