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The second the door closes, my father doesn't hesitate. "We have a problem, a small group of street thugs are coming onto our territory selling drugs. A few of them have been caught at our clubs already. Word from my sources, his name is Gray Johnson, but goes by Ghost. I need you to handle it tonight Nico. Luca and Anthony will be with you. Giovanni, Stefano, and Leo will be on lookout. The cleaners will be on call ready to come when you're done."

All of us nodded our heads knowing our roles. Everyone walks out, while I stay back with my father and Mr. Romano.

"You just couldn't stay away could you?" He gives me the "what the fuck" annoyed face.

I nod, knowing where this is going.

Mr. Romano looks over to my father for assistance. He has a smile on his face and just shrugs back. Sighing, "just be patient with her, that's all I ask."

Nodding again, waiting for him to continue.

"Last night was the first time since she's been back that she wasn't screaming and crying in her sleep... If her nightmares come back tonight, I expect you to stay over more often to help her sleep. In. The. Living. Room. No funny business. Got it?"

"Yes sir." Satisfied with my answer, they both dismiss me.

I head over to the gym knowing that's where the rest of the guys are. All of them looked at me for directions. "We'll head out tonight at 11. Be ready."

2 hours after my workout. I shower in my guest room. I head up to Leo's computer room. He has all the high end top of the line just like the ones Amelia got the other day. The twins are on the couch working on their laptops. Dropping down in the chair next to Leo, he pulls up all the information he's gathered on 'Ghost'. He's apparently not really great at being a ghost since he's visible on all the CCTVs we've hacked into surrounding his building. He does the exact same thing every day of the week, on the dot, without fail. He won't be hard to track. Now it's a matter of cornering him without being seen. Nodding at Leo, I head out.

Walking into the dining room, I nod at Angelo in the corner and the man sitting across from Amelia. I peek over her shoulder. She's working through equation problems. She's so focused, she hasn't noticed my presence behind her. Whispering into her ear, "I'm heading home now, I'll be back in the morning." She jumps a little, looking up to me, she smiles and nods. I lean over, pecking her forehead, then turning to take my leave.


I'm in an all black suit, sitting in the back seat of the suv, I place my silencer on my Glock 19. We're all waiting for a signal from Leo when Ghost leaves his building. The twins hacked his phone earlier and overheard his phone call with his supplier. They're meeting tonight at the docks. It's a 2 for 1 special tonight.

Receiving the signal. We're less than half a mile behind him, trailing him by his phone. Once we're near the docks, we turn the headlights off, peeling the car slowly down the road. As we stop. I see Ghost and a short bald man arguing. Getting out of the car, I walk towards them with Anthony and Luca right behind me. The two are too busy arguing to even notice me, until my last step. It was too late though. Without wasting time. I lift my Glock and shoot twice. Both bodies dropped to the floor seconds later. In this line of work, sometimes it's better to shoot first and ask questions later.

Anthony is calling the clean up crew, while Luca checks their pockets for their phones and wallets. Walking around the dock, I noticed someone crouched over quietly yelling into his phone. I lift my gun, and shoot his arm. Once he drops, I walk over, pointing my gun at his head, I lower down to pick up his phone off the ground. Putting it to my ear, I listen closely. A man is yelling, "hide until they leave, we need you to deliver the next shipment. Some other idiot will take it over tomorrow."

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now