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I blink my eyes open, the bright lights are harsh. Blinking back a couple of tears. I look around and I'm in the hospital. Everything feels so real. Is this a dream or did I just wake up from one. My stomach stings and aches. I feel around it and I feel the bandages wrapped around it. There's a knock at the door, looking up, I see Lucia. She looks unharmed from our accident. She's smiling at me with a look of evil in her eyes. She closes the door. I'm trying to sit up and ask for a nurse, but I'm restrained to the bed. Lucia shushes me and whispers,"you'll never be free of me". She grabs the pillow and shoves it over my face. I'm screaming for help, but my voice isn't working. I'm gasping for air. Everything is going black again, but this time, I hear a small voice yelling at me.

"Wake up Amelia!" I hear a voice shout, I'm being shaken awake.

Gasping for air, I open my eyes to my Papa above me. He pulls me into his arms and rubs my back, trying his best to comfort me.

When the shaking stops and my breathing regulates. I whisper into his shoulder, "Everything felt so real. I was back in the hospital, I thought.." I swallow. "Lucia was still alive. That everything these past 2 months was just a dream. I wish she'd leave me alone."

"I'm sorry Mia Cara. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I wish I could take the pain away. But know this, you're not alone, we're all here for you." He speaks softly into my hair.

My alarm goes off, realizing the time, I pull back. "I'm going to get ready. Thank you papa." I kiss his cheek and leave for the bathroom.

Once I entered the gym. I look around and it's only Angelo. Walking up to him, he greets me with a smile, "hey kid."

"Hey I'm only 6 years younger than you."

"Still a kid." He taunts me.

I huff and cross my arms, "so what's on the agenda?"

"I'm going to train you in cardio and weights for the next 2 weeks. Once you build your endurance and strength, we'll go into self defense and gun training. My father will start teaching you when he knows you can handle his training."

I nod ready for whatever he makes me do.

"Everyday for the next two weeks, I'll have you start off with a mile, we'll work on weights for an hour, and then half an hour on the stairs. We'll end it with laps in the pool."

I nod hesitantly knowing it might be more than I can handle.

I ran a mile on the treadmill in 11 minutes, which for me, was pretty decent. The weights weren't too bad, but I know I'll feel it later. 10 minutes into the stairs, I ran off and threw up in the trash. Anthony asked me if I wanted to stop, but I ignored him and went back on the machine. I changed into my swimsuit, and hopped in the pool. By the end of my laps. My body felt defeated, but I still feel determined to reach my goal.

The next morning, I woke up with a smile for the first time without night terrors since Nico left. That might be due to the fact that I barely had any sleep and my body feels sore all over. But it was nice for a change, to wake up and not feel like my energy has been drained from a nightmare.


It's been 2 weeks since I started training with Angelo and I can see positive changes to my body. I'm definitely more toned and I can handle heavier weights. My mile has been reduced to 9 minutes and 35 seconds, and I don't throw up at the stairs anymore. Angelo has been timing my swimming, and I've improved a lot in time.

"I know I said we'd train in this for 2 weeks, but I'm going to have you continue doing this every morning to give you a routine. We'll be cutting time down on everything. You'll still run a mile a day, we'll be doing half the weight workouts, and we'll cut the stairs to 10 minutes. We'll do self defense training, and you'll end every workout with your swim laps. Gun lessons will come after the gym. I'll change it up every once in a while with what I see fits with your main training."

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now