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It's Monday and we're all in the gym working out. Amelia's in the ring training with Angelo, Frank on the side directing them. I'm staring at her in awh. She's fast on her feet and precise with her aim. It's already been 2 hours and she doesn't even look phased by the intense workout. Frank calls it, Angelo fist bumps Amelia, "time for the shooting range." He looks over at us. "Come watch the prodigy." He teases her.

She punches his arm, "shut up, I'm not a prodigy."

He playfully rolls his eyes at her, "sure."

We all head down into the basement for the shooting range. I was down here yesterday with Luca and Anthony, beating the shit out of the guy Amelia left for us to question. We barely got any answers out of him. All he did was laugh and cry in pain. His parting words were, "he's going to come for her." Before the lights went out of his eyes.

Amelia's loading up two Glocks while Angelo directs us each to stand at a station and to move the markers at any speed and distance we want. We follow his directions, as Amelia takes a stance. He says "go." And bullets are flying through all the markers. When she's done, we pull our markers towards us. I walk and look over each one. There's a clean head and chest shot in each one. "Your accuracy is still perfect and your timing improved by 10 seconds." He nods his head and lifts his fists in the air, Amelia reaching her fists out to tap it with a smile.

"That was awesome!" Anthony exclaims.

"Damn sis. I'm going to need you to train me." Luca says, still staring at the markers.

I shake my head and smile at her, "you keep on surprising me." I pulled her into me and kissed her head.

She shrugs, "I'm hungry, let's go eat." She pats my stomach. She walks away nonchalantly.

Anthony looks at me, "I can't believe she's real."

I chuckle, "me neither."

As I catch up to her in the kitchen, I pull her into me and whisper in her ear, "let's go on a date tonight."

She smiles up at me and nods.

"I have work to do right now, I'll pick you up at 6?"

She nods and kisses me on the lips. "I'll see you tonight."

I leave her with one last kiss.

6 PM

I knock on Amelia's door, she walks out a minute later in a red top and a black leather skirt. I pull her into me and kiss her, "you look beautiful."

She blushes and whispers, "thank you."

"Let's go, our reservation is at 6:15." I led her out the house and into my car.

When we get to the restaurant, I hand the keys to the valet, and the doorman holds the door open for us. The hostess instantly recognizes me and leads me back to my private table. Appetizers are brought out immediately. I already preordered everything I know Amelia would like. She happily digs into all the appetizers.

We fall into easy conversation until the end of dinner and she asks, "what else do you have to do before you take over for your father?"

"It's a lot of paperwork right now, but I eventually have to get married." I answer truthfully.

"Oh. Do you want to get married?"

"I do."

"What about kids?"

"I want kids. With you. When you're ready of course."

She flushed a deep shade of red.

I stand up and hold my hand out to her, "let's go, I want to show you something before we go home."

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now