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I'm standing there in shock, I can feel my heart beating erratically in my ear. I've only ever seen pictures of Amelia when she was a toddler, I'd never imagined what she would look like now. She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life. She has the longest chocolate brown waves hanging down her back. A heart shaped face with the perfect full lips. The softest innocent brown eyes I've ever seen. I'm looking over all of her. She's wearing leggings and a long sleeve, and she's a head shorter than me. Before my thoughts go any further.

Her soft "hi" brings me back to reality. I look into her eyes and give her a soft smile, "Hi, I'm Nicolas, but I prefer to go by Nico." Reaching my hand out, she takes it, her soft small hands being engulfed in mine, I give it a soft squeeze. We both didn't let go. I don't know how long we stand there looking at each other until someone clears their throat. Letting go I look up and see Luca next to Amelia giving us a weird look. I cough, nod and walk towards the living room.

"Yay my delivery is here!" I hear Amelia shouting, I look over at Luca and he's shaking his head with a soft smile only for his sister. We walk out the living room and see Amelia's signing off the receipt while two delivery guys are setting multiple big boxes down in the hall. Angelo and the rest of the staff help carry and guide the workers to her room,

Luca and I are both looking at her with curiosity, "what did you get?"

She looks over at Luca and then to me, blushing, she looks away, she rushes out, "I bought a computer set up. I have to figure out how to build it now, bye!" She's running away before we can respond, we both look at each other confused.

"Do you think she needs help?" I ask. Luca shrugs, as he takes the stairs to her room.

Her living room is chaotic, there are empty boxes everywhere. She's on the floor trying to read a manual with pieces laid out around her, while Angelo is putting together her desk. Knocking on the open door, I ask, "do you guys need any help?" Angelo turns to look at us and shrugs. Amelia looks up at me and looks down, quietly answering, "yes please." Trying to think of anything other than how much I like the word 'please' coming out of her mouth, I sit down next to her and begin working.

An hour later, Angelo and Luca just finished setting up her desk and chair in front of her floor to ceiling windows. They're now working on putting up her two monitors. I'm sitting on the ground next to Amelia working on her pc at her coffee table. We have a few pieces to go before we're all done. I sneak glances at her every once in a while when the other guys have their backs turned. She's so concentrated, I don't even think she notices me staring. Her hair is hanging over her face like a curtain, she keeps biting on her bottom lip, and I want to take my thumb and release it, to feel how soft her lips are. Looking back at our work, I gently place her graphics card in.

"Ouch", I look over and see Amelia's finger is bleeding, her eyes are beginning to form tears. I sit up and rush over to her bathroom, grab the first aid kit under the sink and rush back next to her side. I take her hand in mine and start cleaning her wound. I gently blow on her finger knowing the alcohol swab stings like a bitch. After I place a bandage on it. I look up to see if she's still in pain, she's blushing and staring at me with wide eyes. "How does it feel?"

She gulps, "it's okay now, thank you."

I nod, "I don't want you to get hurt, I'll finish the rest."

She nods, her hand still in mine. I'm not ready to let it go, and she still hasn't made a move to let go. Then I hear a cough, and I immediately turn back to what I was doing, ignoring Luca's death stare.

As we're finishing connecting all the wires, I hear Anthony, "hey guys, Maria told me you guys would be in here. What are you guys doing?"

Looking at him with recognition, Amelia beams, "Hi Anthony! They're helping me put my pc together." I see Amelia walking up to him and hugging him with a smile on her face. I'm a little ticked off that he gets a smile and a hug. Clenching and unclenching my fist, I turn back around to finish the task.

"Hey squirt, you've grown to be so pretty. How was shopping with Elena? I know she can be a nightmare at the mall." Alex winces.

"It was good and she was really helpful. It's nice to finally have a friend."

"Good. Maria said dinner is almost ready, we should head down soon." Anthony states as he rubs his stomach, he's always hungry. Rolling my eyes, I stand up and walk towards the door with everyone.

As I get to the doorway, Amelia stops me by the arm, I turn to look at her. "Thank you for helping me today, you didn't have to, but I'm really grateful you did." She gives me a soft smile before walking away.

As I get into the dining room, everyone's already seated, Mr. Romano looks up at me, "hey Nico, you can sit next to Amelia." Looking over at her, she blushes and looks down at her plate.

As side dishes are being passed around, I'm digging into my steak when I notice Amelia's struggling to cut hers. I stop what I'm doing, leaning over, I whisper, "is it okay if I help you?" She gives me a small nod.

Taking her plate, I cut up her steak into small bite size pieces, I handed it back to her and she gave me a small smile with a quiet "thank you."

Satisfied, I continue eating, but then I feel multiple eyes on me. My steak halfway to my mouth, I look up to see everyone at the table looking at us. Ignoring them, I roll my eyes and continue eating.

Mr. Romano clears his throat, "Amelia, how was shopping today? Did you get everything you need?"

"Yes papa, but maybe too much." Feeling embarrassed, she looks down at her food.

"Nonsense, you deserve it. Angelo told me you got a top of the line computer. What were you planning on using it for?"

Using her fork to play with her food so she can avoid eye contact, she answers in a small voice, "I wanted to learn how to code. I checked out a book a few months ago from the library and I took an interest in it."

A look of surprise showed all around the table, her dad beaming with pride, "I'll look into the best, and find you a teacher if you'd like."

Looking up at her dad, surprised at the response, she beams, "I'd love that, thank you."

As dinner finishes up, Mr. Romano speaks up before he leaves the table, "Nico, I'd like to talk to you in my office in a few minutes."

"Yes sir," wondering what he wanted to talk about. I'm not taking over the family business for another 2 years, so it can't be that.

Reluctantly, I head over to his office. Knocking on his door, "you wanted to talk?"

"Come sit."

As I'm sitting in front of him, he leans back into his chair, he takes a deep breath and runs his hands over his face. "I saw the way you were looking at Amelia."

"I.." he stops me with a hand in the air.

"I've watched you grow up and I know what type of man your father is raising you to become, any other time I'd approve, but right now, she's sensitive. We just got her back and she's healing. Just this morning, she was screaming bloody murder in her sleep from a nightmare. Let her work through her issues, try to be her friend. When she's ready, I'll allow you to try."

Not knowing how to respond, I nod my head in understanding. Getting up to leave, he stops me, "and thank you for helping her today, I know you made her happy." I bow my head and take my leave.

Walking down the hallway with my head down, I hear a snicker, "so my sister huh?" I roll my eyes and keep walking, Luca and Anthony trailing behind me. We sat down in the living room. They're sitting there, waiting, expecting me to say something. I arch my brow at them. "Out of all the years I've known you, you've always been cold to the female population, excluding our moms and Elena. You have never looked at a girl the way you looked at her today, and you've never voluntarily helped a girl out. So what gives?"

Looking at Luca's challenging face and Anthony wiggling his eyebrows at me, I roll my eyes and lay back to stare at the ceiling. "I don't know what's going on. Your dad already gave me a warning to just be her friend while she's adjusting, I don't need to hear one from you either." Standing up, I smack Anthony on the back of the head, "let's go, we have to be back here at 6 in the morning to work out." Nodding my head to Luca, I head out. As I get to the door, I look up and see Amelia walking down the set of stairs with Maria. She's freshly showered and changed into a big t-shirt and shorts. She looks up at me, all traces of makeup gone. How is she even prettier without makeup? I lift my hand up giving her a small wave and mutter the words "goodnight." She gives me a small wave and a soft smile.

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now