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It's Thursday and I've been at the gym for the last 6 hours. I finished training earlier, but my nerves got to me, I'm swimming laps while Angelo watches over me. He stares at me with concern, but I ignore him. When my limbs start to feel numb, I hop out of the pool and sit at the edge. He hands me a towel and my water bottle. Sitting down next to me, he finally asks, "want to talk about it?"

I frown, not knowing where to start.

"Like I've always said, no judgment." He reassures me.

I sigh, "what if after all this time away, he realizes he doesn't want me?" I feel vulnerable.

He snickers, "I've seen the way he's looked at you when you first arrived. We've all seen it."

"Like what?"

"Like he never wants to look away."

I shrug.

"I've grown up working with the families. He's never looked at any female the way he looks at you."

"That was the old me, what if he doesn't like the changes?"

"Then he's a dumbass. Over the last year, I watched you grow into this empowering beautiful woman. Any guy would fall madly in love with you. Shit, I would too if I didn't swing the other way. You are so determined and smart, Amelia, and if he can't see that, screw him."

I nod, knowing he won't back down.

"Come on, go get something to eat and go rest." He pats my head.

"Okay, thank you." I hug him and exit the gym.

I decided to hide out in my room and ask Maria to bring food up for me. My mama and her friends currently have workers everywhere setting up a welcome back party for the guys on Saturday when they come back. It's a nice day out so I grab my laptop and sit out on my balcony. I pull on my headphones and work for the rest of the day.

By the time I've gathered all of my files I need for the search and emailed them out, I look up and it's already dark out. Checking the time on my phone, it's already 1am. Getting up to stretch, I look around the backyard. Everything for the party is almost done. Elena's going to bring her boyfriend Saturday and Anna won't be there since she's working, but Mrs. Ricci is bringing Matteo. Frank gave me Friday morning off, which I don't understand why. I'll probably just do my own workout. After showering and changing, I throw on my favorite shirt of Nico's and force myself to sleep. I have a long weekend ahead of me, and I don't know what to expect.


Training ended a week ago, but we all stayed back to see our families in Italy. Spending time with my nonno and nonna was great. It's always hard saying bye to them, not knowing when I'm able to come back. They promised they'll come visit if I give them a good reason to.

I ask, "what's a good reason?"

"Hmmm I don't know, a wedding, great grand babies. You tell me." My nonna winks at me.

I scratch the back of my neck, "I.."

She cuts me off, "Don't think I haven't noticed the girl on your phone. She's beautiful. Bring her back here to meet us when you're ready."

Not knowing how to answer, I just nod my head.

"Now go, have a safe trip, and don't forget to call us once in a while." My nonno speaks up.

"I will, I love you both." Giving them each a hug before I take off.

It's 1am in Chicago when we landed. I'm exhausted and antsy. My leg hasn't stopped shaking since the pilot announced we're 1 hour out. There are cars waiting out front for us with our men gathering our stuff. I nod my head to Anthony and Luca before getting into my car. When we get to my house, my parents are still awake in the living room.

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now