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Everyone changed into hoodies and shorts, ready to be lazy all day. Leo is closing the blinds in the living room, while Luca is setting up the tv. The twins are pushing the giant ottoman in between the couch, making it into one big bed for everyone to lounge on. There are blankets and pillows everywhere. Nicos in the left corner of the couch, and the spot next to him is the only available spot left other than the floor. Elena is next to it and pats the spot, "you can sit here Amelia!" My brother gives her the side eye and continues to scroll through the list of movies.

As I'm sitting down. Nico lays a blanket over my leg, and places a pillow behind me, I give him a soft 'thank you.' And he nods at me.

Luca looks over at me, "what do you want to watch Lia?

"Umm.. I don't know, I haven't watched any movies in a while." Answering honestly.

Nodding his head, he goes to the Disney app, and plays Encanto. I'm so engrossed in the movie, I forget about my surroundings. When it ends, I lean back into my pillow with a big smile on my face, I feel an arm at my shoulders. Looking to my left, I see Nico looking at me with a soft smile directed at me. Blushing, I look back at the tv. Luca turns Turning Red on next. I snuggle deeper into my pillow against Nico's arms while I feel his hands playing with my hair.

We go through two more Disney movies before I realize it's dark out. The twins clapped their hands shouting, "it's time for scary movies!" Insidious plays next.

I'm burrowed under the blankets, watching through my fingers. I can't help the yelp or the small jumps I make every time something scary pops up on the screen. The eerie music isn't helping either. It's only been half an hour and I'm ready for the movie to end. The doorbell rings and I'm pulling the covers over my face. Anthony shouts, "pizza!" Pauses the movie and runs for the door. I hear Nico softly chuckle, and he pulls my body closer to his for safety. Anthony comes back with 4 boxes of pizza, placing them all around us. Nico leans over and places a box on our laps, he hands me a napkin and we dig in while the movie plays in the background.

At the end of the movie, I'm snuggled into his hard chest, his hands still playing in my hair. They're playing the second movie now, I feel my eyelids getting heavy and my breathing slowing. I hear a soft whisper against my forehead, "it's okay, sleep angel." I snuggle into his side more, and my body relaxes. Before sleep completely takes over, I feel a soft pair of lips against my forehead. That's the last thing I remember before I doze off.


I slowly wake to the scent of dark roast coffee. It smells so good, I nuzzle my nose closer to where it's coming from. Taking deep inhales of the intoxicating smell. I had the best sleep I've ever had in years. I'm still a little out of it. Taking my hands and feeling for my blanket, I feel something hard. It's someone's chest. The last thing I remember was cuddling Nico last night during the movies. Rubbing my eyes, I feel a hand on my hip. Opening my eyes, I see Nico is waking up too, and already looking down at me. I can hear everyone sleeping around us still. "Good morning", his deep morning voice making me blush even harder.

"Morning." Blinking up at him.

"Are you still tired?" I nod. "Do you want to sleep some more?" I nod again. "It's okay, sleep angel."

With a soft peck on my forehead, I closed my eyes, I felt both our breaths slowing down. My hand on his chest feels the steady rhythm of his heart beat. His fingers running through my hair. Lulling me back to sleep.

Walking up this time, I'm turned around with my back pressed against his chest. His arms still wrapped around me. As my eyes are adjusting to the brightness, I notice everyone else is gone. Their blankets and pillows have already been put away. It's just Nico and I on the couch. Sensing that I'm awake, Nico speaks up, this time sounding more awake, "how did you sleep?"

Turning around in his arms, I tilt my head up, "really good. I haven't slept like that in forever."

His hand on my waist moves up to move the hair out of my face, and stopping at my neck, he pulls me forward, whispering "Good." Against my forehead. Pressing his lips against it. He pulls back. "Are you hungry?" Nodding my head. "Let's get cleaned up and see what's left of breakfast." Pulling us both up, he leads me to his guest room. He hands me an extra tooth brush and while he changes into work out clothes. When we're both done, we head over to the kitchen. There's only scraps left and nobody in sight.

Not wanting to bother anyone, I pull open the fridge and see there's all the ingredients I need for omelettes. Gathering all the ingredients, I direct Nico to look for a pan and a mixing bowl. He's amused as he follows my directions. I'm having him crack and stir the eggs while I chop up the rest of the ingredients I need. He's been watching over my shoulders the past 20 minutes in silence, before he asks, "when did you learn to cook?"

Not taking my eyes off the pan, I answered quietly, "I was forced to when I turned 10."

"And how do you feel about cooking now?"

Turning to look at him over my shoulder, "I don't mind it if I like the person I'm cooking for." Blushing, I look away to finish what's left in the bowl.

"You can be honest if you don't like it, I promise it won't hurt my feelings." Looking at the massive stack of omelets sitting between us.

"I'll be honest." Taking a fork full and bringing it to his mouth. He gives no reaction while he chews and swallows. I'm staring him down waiting for any kind of reaction.

"So..." feeling insecure. Fidgeting in my seat. Grabbing his fork out of his hand, I take a small bite, wondering why he had no reaction. It's good. I'm stumped.

"It's good huh?" He's smirking at me.

"I... you jerk!" Punching his arm.

He's laughing loudly at me, I cross my arms, waiting for him to calm down. "It's really good, so good, I can see myself eating this everyday." Giving me a tap on my nose.

"Liar." Rolling my eyes.

The backyard door opens and everybody walks in, Anthony stops right in front of us, "I didn't see the omelets earlier!" He grabs a fork and digs into the pile. With a mouth full of food, "wow.. this.. is.. the.. best.. omelet.. I.. ever.. had.."

Nico looks at me with his eyebrow raised. He offers the plate to our families, "here everyone try it, tell me your honest opinion."

I hear multiple "wow", "this is really good", "why didn't we get this earlier", "did Maria change something, this is so much better". And then I hear the twins and Anthony fighting over the last bite.

Nico smirks at me before he announces to the whole room, "Amelia made them." Looking flustered I hid behind Nico.

"Can you make breakfast from now on?" I hear the eagerness in Anthony's voice. Nico shakes his head and smacks the back of Anthony's head. "Ow."

"I told you they were good," Nico looks smug. I roll my eyes at him.

My Papa walks over to me with a proud smile, and pats me on the head, "I wonder what other talents you have." I returned his smile. "The education board test proctor will come by in an hour. They'll be with you while you take a couple placement tests, and be down in the dining room in an hour to meet them. Angelo will be with you the entire time to make sure you're comfortable." Nodding my head taking my leave to go get ready.

As I'm down the hall I hear my papa continue, "Okay boys, we have a meeting, I need all of you in the office."

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now