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*beep.. beep.. beep..*

I feel myself going in and out of consciousness. I hear murmurs here and there, but I can't make out what they're saying. When I finally come to, I feel groggy and sore all over. I'm trying to speak, but all that comes out is a dry cough and shooting pain in my stomach.

All I remember is begging Lucia to slow down. She was on a rampage fueled with alcohol. She lost her job last night and was taking all her anger out on me before she dragged me by the hair and shoved me into the car. She was screaming profanities at me that I ruined her life and wanted me officially gone. My stomach instantly dropped, remembering all her threats to send me to a whore house to work if I ever misbehave. I sat there while she hurled insults and dug her claws into my arm. I looked ahead begging her to slow down, but it was too late. She didn't see the cars braking ahead. There was no time to brake, all I could hear was metal crunching, and then everything went dark.

I slowly opened my eyes and all I see are bright lights that hurt and the smell of a very sterile room. Blinking my eyes for a few seconds to adjust, I look around and see I'm in a hospital bed hooked up to a machine. A nurse walking by stops at my door with a look of surprise. She walks off and then comes running back with a water cup and pitcher in hand and a doctor towing behind her.

"Hi Amelia, I'm Dr Drew, how are you feeling?" The doctor asks after checking my eyes with a flashlight.

Gulping down the cup of water, I answer "I'm feeling sore and my head hurts." Taking another gulp, "is Lucia..?"

"You had to get emergency surgery from your appendix bursting due to the accident, I expect a full recovery in a few weeks. You did hit your head pretty hard, you will have a headache for a few days, but there are no major concerns. Lucia, however, did not survive the crash."

Feeling a burst of relief rush through me, I took my first breath of freedom. Free from her daily abuse, threats, and harsh words. Free from being a captive. But what now? I have nothing. Where do I even go? What about my real family? But what if they forgot about me or don't want me anymore? Are they going to force me into foster care? Can I even survive on my own?

Seeing the look of panic on my face, he continues, "A therapist will be stopping by later to talk to you. Do you feel up to getting some fresh air before then? Nurse Anna here can assist you in a wheelchair."

"Yes please." Wanting to escape this small room so I can try to plan what's next for my life.

Anna leaves and comes back into my room with a wheelchair. She helps me up and sets me down, placing a blanket over my legs. She's asking me a bunch of questions as she wheels me out, from my hobbies to my favorite music to distract me from my oncoming anxiety. As I'm firing off answers going through the garden outside, I look up, I feel my heart rate pick up. 10 feet in front of me, on a bench, I see a middle aged man with eyes that match mine on the phone and next to him is a woman with my hair and heart shaped lips, and I feel tears in my eyes.


Instantly looking up, I saw their shocked faces and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst into a full on sob. The pain of the last 12 years of thinking I'd never be able to see them again. Wishing every night that Luca would come find me. I don't know how long I cry for before I feel multiple arms and the woodsy cologne and floral perfume wrap around me. My cries are harder and I can't contain them anymore. I feel safe in their embrace, like I'm 5 again in their arms, crying about my injury from a fall.

I feel them both lean back and my papas hands are on my face wiping away the tears falling. My mama speaks first "we never stopped searching for you, we're so sorry it took so long."
My papa nodding, "we miss you so much. We thought about you everyday, praying you would return to us."

More tears leaked as I tried to stop my voice from cracking, "I'm so sorry. I missed you guys so much."

"No, none of this is your fault Mia cara, you will never be at fault for something that wasn't in your control." My papa gave me a stern look of reassurance.

"We'll be staying here until the doctors give you the clear to come home with us, is that okay?" My mama asks, while she brushes my hair from my face. I nod, ready to burst into tears again. I wrap my arms around both of them and lean my face into my papas neck seeking the scent of safety that I missed all these years.

Moments later, Dr. Drew speaks up from behind me, "Hey I'm sorry to interrupt, I'm Dr. Drew, I was notified that you guys are her parents. I would like to go over her injuries and recovery process with you if you have a chance."

My mama nods and looks back at me, "I'll be right back okay, I love you honey." Giving me a peck on my forehead, she walks off with Dr. Drew.

My papa wheels me to the bench and sits down in front of me. He's looking at me like he's scared, like if he looks away, I won't be there. I reach for his shaky hands and move it to cup my face. He takes a hard breath with tears in his eyes, "you've grown up so much, I wish I was able to see you grow Mia cara, but I'm so grateful you're alive. I can finally feel whole again."
Reaching over, he gently picks me up and places me on the bench, hugging me to his side. I feel my eyelids getting heavier as time passes, but I don't want to miss this moment. Sensing my exhaustion, he turns and gives me a peck on the forehead, "it's okay, sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." Sleep takes over and I slump inside my papas warm embrace.


It's been two weeks of physical therapy and regular therapy. The doctors placed me on a regular eating schedule during my stay to help me gain weight. I feel healthier, and I'm filling out my clothes more than before. I'm able to move around without feeling fatigue, and my surgery scar is healing nicely, it barely hurts anymore.

My parents are signing off my discharge papers, while I'm hugging and saying goodbye to the staff. Anna is the last one to say bye to me, and I give her the longest hug. "Thank you for seeing the signs and saving my life. You don't know how much it means to me, if you ever need anything, please don't be afraid to ask me. and I would really love it if we can keep in contact after I leave."

Anna hugs me tighter, "Of course, I'm always here if you need me, I promise."

"Amelia, sweetheart, are you ready to go?" I hear my mama ask.

Nodding, I turn to all the staff and wave as I say my last parting words, "thank you again, bye everyone."

I take my mamas hands as she walks us out of the hospital, and into a big black suv. I'm sandwiched between my parents as the driver takes off towards the airport. The drive was short, and we're parked in a private lot for jets. I'm led up the stairway, as I'm looking at my surroundings amazed at how luxurious it is in this small jet.

A thought occurred to me as we got on board, "where is home?"

"Chicago, we have a big estate house and you'll have your own wing, you won't have to share with your disgusting brothers." My dad scrunching his nose.

"Are they okay with me coming home?" I asked looking down at my lap while I pick at my nails.

My mama wraps her arms around me and answers, "sweetheart, they've been wishing for your return for every birthday and Christmas since you've been gone. They want their sister home, they'll love you and protect you with everything. I promise."

Nodding my head, not sure if I can speak again without crying, I lay my head on my mamas lap and close my eyes. Her soft hands running through my hair is lulling me to sleep.

When I wake up, I notice the sun setting from the windows, looking out I see the high rise buildings. Chicago, we're almost home. The feeling of hope blooming in my chest.

Once we land in a private lot, I see 5 black suvs pull up. As I descend the stairs, I see 2 guys getting out of each car and nodding at my parents, but 2 are walking towards me cautiously.

Looking closer, I know, I know it's Luca and Leo. As they get closer, I'm ready to burst into tears again. They're all grown up, I barely recognize them anymore. I missed out on so much. Before I can say anything, I feel both their arms pulling me into their bodies and their arms wrapping around me. Luca pecks the side of my head and softly whispers into my ear, "we missed you so much, welcome home Lia." Luca finally found me, and now I'm safe.

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now