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I'm finishing my training in Muay Thai today. The last 3 months, I've learned boxing, karate, taekwondo, and judo. Angelo takes me to the outdoor gun range every week to get me comfortable with bigger guns, but when we're in the home gun range, he has me practicing using my left hand to shoot. Frank and Angelo have been proud of my consistency and improvement in each field. After today, they'll change my training to one style a day to make sure I excel in each of them. I still do early morning swimming lessons when my insomnia kicks in, and I've improved my mile to 7 minutes.

Leo is still teaching me new things weekly and testing me before he lets me venture off on my own. My goal is still to help find missing children, the ones where the system failed them. I'm more determined and confident now than ever.

When Frank calls it. I bow my head to him, "thank you, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Don't think I'll go any easier on you now that you know what you're doing." He winks at me.

"I hope you don't." I smile and exit the gym.

When I'm showered and dressed, I head down to the kitchen for lunch. Walking in, I notice my mama in the kitchen with Nico and Anthony's mom. I wave hi to them and make my plate. Elena's off in France for a month for her art class, but she's been texting me everyday with updates on her class with pictures attached. I'm sitting down next to mama digging into my plate while they gossip.

My phone rings, playing Anna's ringtone, and I immediately know something's wrong. Accepting the call, I hear labored breathing.

"I think I'm having the baby soon!" Anna grunts out.

My fork dropa, I panic for a second before shrieking, "omg I'm going to book the first flight out. Hold him in there until I get there!"

"I'll try my best, but no promises." She grunts again.

"I'll see you in a few hours! Keep texting my updates while you can! Bye!" I hang up the phone and called Angelo immediately.

He picks up on the first ring, "what's wrong?"

"I need you to go to Florida with me, Anna's having her baby, and I need to leave now!"

"Okay let me look up flights." He hangs up.

I look up to see looks of concern flashing over my mama and her friends' faces. Mama asks, "can I tag along for support?"

"Me too"" and "me three!" Came from the other two.

Thinking it over, I nod my head, "I think it would help to have someone maternal there."

"We can take the jet, let me go make a call. Go pack your stuff and be back in an hour ladies." My mama gets up and makes a call. I run to my room and start packing, I call Angelo back, "change of plans, we're taking the jet. Go pack and tell Frank we have to postpone training until I come back. Thank you!" I hang up before he responds. Throwing everything into my luggage.

When I get downstairs, everyone is there and ready with their luggage. We all gather in our cars, each one with their own guard. When we get to the private airport, Anna texts me a picture of her in a hospital gown, ready for it to be over.

Anthony's mom claps her hand in excitement, "I love babies. I hope Anthony settles down when he comes back. I want grandchildren."

My mama snorts, "We've been waiting for Luca to open his eyes and see what's in front of him, but he's too much of an idiot to see it." She rolls her eyes.

I bite my bottom lip, holding in my laugh.

"So tell us about your friend Anna." Mrs. Russo asks.

"She's the one that saved me in the hospital. I'm really grateful for her. She doesn't have any family or support. It's just her." I frown.

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now