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Looking up from my seat, I see a giant gate with a gold "R" open up, going down a long driveway of trees leading up to a beautiful garden surrounding the sides and a water fountain in the middle. We're stopped right near the front entrance of a massive mansion with large windows all around and a giant balcony on the second floor. I'm in awe, I can't believe this is my home.

Opening the doors, Leo leads me to the front door. He's tugging me along with Luca right behind us, giving me a quick tour. Everything is white with a lot of black accents. He leads me up a double staircase and goes straight. "Mamas and Papas room is on the right side. Our rooms are in the left wing, you get your own wing back here, but we'll all be within reach if you need something." We stopped at the end of the hall and there are double doors. Putting a code in, Luca opens the door for Leo and I to enter. There's a giant living room that's already furnished, a small kitchen on the left. There's a door in the center that opens up to my own balcony. Leo points out the doors on the left that lead to my own bathroom and closet, on the right is my bedroom. I'm speechless and too scared to touch anything.

Noticing my uneasiness, Luca speaks up, "this is your home, if you want to change anything in here to feel more comfortable, we can change it."

"No, I love it, I'll just have to get used to living like this."
Nodding with understanding, Luca continues, "Do you remember Elena? We grew up together." Getting flashbacks of a little girl with blonde pigtails and blue eyes. We had a lot of playdates. Remembering her, I nod. "Our families are still good friends, I think you'll both get along really well. She'll come by tomorrow, she's going to take you shopping for clothes and whatever you need, is that okay?" I nod again.

I hear Leo snickering behind me, "friends my ass, more like they're both too stupid to admit they like each other."
I let out a small chuckle and Luca rolled his eyes at Leo, "shut up. We're going to let you get comfortable, dinner should be done in a few hours. We'll come get you when it's ready."
They both hug me with a peck to the side of my head and leave me to bask in the room.

I open every drawer and every door. It's so overwhelming, but I can't complain. I just can't believe this is my life now. Looking into the closet. I find a pair of leggings and a loose long sleeve shirt, laying them out on the counter. I strip and step into the shower. There's a bench in the shower, all the products I need in the built-in shelf, and so many shower heads; one on the ceiling, one in front of me, and 2 on the side of me. I take the longest shower I've ever been allowed to.

I don't know how long I was standing there until my thoughts go back to living in Lucia's apartment. She was beyond strict on me, I wasn't allowed to take more than 5 minutes in the shower. I had no more than 5 changes of clothes and had to sleep on the hardwood floors. I had to make sure the place was spotless and there was food on the table before she got home. She forced me to cook at the age of 10, and I had to survive off of her scraps. If anything didn't reach her expectations, I was punished. I did school online with a dingy laptop the school sent me. Luckily school came easy to me, and I'd finish all my work within the hour every time. I wasn't able to access anything else on the laptop other than school work. I tried everything I could to break into it, but it was so strongly coded, it was impossible. I didn't have a phone either. My contact with the outside world was minimal, all I had were books. If I was lucky and Lucia was feeling nice, she'd allow me to go to the small public library down the street. I was locked in the apartment of hell. I'm happy Lucia is gone, I hope she burns in hell.

The feeling of cold water hits me and jumping back, I quickly turn off the shower. Stepping out, I look in the mirror, I don't see the broken girl who lost everything anymore, but the one who is finally free. Smiling at myself, I start getting ready for dinner.

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now