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I'm sitting in the living room downstairs waiting for dinner to start. Everyone is coming. Elena is sitting next to me while she's texting her boyfriend. Luca is sitting across from us giving her death glares, but she's ignoring him. Nico walks in and looks at me. I flush and feel a set of butterflies in my stomach. He walks over and sits down next to me, he wraps his arm around me and pecks my head.

Anthony walks in next, holding a smiling Matteo, "When did my mother have the time to adopt a woman and her baby?"

I burst out laughing. I reach my arms out for him to pass me Matteo, but he shouts "No! No!" And grips onto Anthony.

Anthony laughs and pokes his belly, "Ha! I'm his favorite!"

"He barely knows you!" I argue.

"He hasn't left my side since I've been home!" He sticks his tongue out at me.

Everyone laughs and Nico asks, "So who's the baby?"

"His name is Matteo. He belongs to the nurse who saved me, her name is Anna. Long story short, she has no support in Florida. Anthony's mother fell in love with her and the baby, and moved her here so they could be closer. You guys will meet her eventually when she's not working or in school. She also lives in your guy's building."

"How old is she? And what's she in school for" Luca asks.

"She's 22 now. And she's in her nurse practitioner program. She's a genius." I smile proudly.

"Is she single?" Anthony asks.

"She's too good for you." Elena speaks up.

"Hey I'm a good guy. Don't you think so, little man?" He tickles Matteo making him giggle.

Elena rolls her eyes at her brother.

Maria walks in announcing dinner was ready. We all walked in taking our seats.

Anthony's mom tries to take Matteo, but he's still refusing to let go of Anthony. He shrugs at his mom and sits down, plopping Matteo on his leg, bouncing him. She huffs and sits down next to them. "You've been home for 1 day and he's already choosing you over me."

Anthony beams at Matteo, "I'm your favorite, aren't I?" Tickling his sides.

His mother rolls her eyes at him, and smiles down at Matteo. Softly petting his head.

As dinner finishes up, my papa dismisses us and asks all the guys to stay back. I'm getting up when Nico holds onto my hand, looking back at him, he whispers, "I'll be up when I'm done, go set up a movie." I nod and walk up to my room.

When I'm freshly showered and the movies all set up, I lay down in my bed, waiting. Nico knocks on my open door, walking in, he closes my door and crawls onto my bed. He's already showered and changed. He crawls on top of me, kissing me, in a deep low voice "hi baby."

I feel my body heat up, I smile back, "hi."

He moves over to the side and pulls me into him. He grabs the remote and plays the movie. I can barely focus on the screen. All I feel are his fingers rubbing soft circles on my hips while my fingers copy the same motion at the waistband of his sweats. The tension in the room is heavy. I hear him take a harsh breath, and say "fuck it." I feel his hand cup my face bringing me up to his lips. He kisses me hard and fast, I'm trying to keep up as he pulls my body on top of him. I'm moaning and grinding down on him trying to relieve the tension. I feel his cock underneath me, it's thick and long. I want to try something on him that I've been thinking about.

I pull back from his lips, "can I try something?" I ask nervously.

He looks at me full of lust and slowly nods. I crawl down his body, my hands are shaking as I pull his sweats and boxers down. His cock comes straight out. I wrap my hands around it, stroking it. It's thick and heavy with a bead of precum coming out of the tip. I hear him grunt out, "you don't have to Amelia." But I ignore him, I stick my tongue out and lick the precum off. He groans. It's salty, and I want more. I swirl my tongue around the head and then suck. He gasps and his hand is in my hair, holding my head. I continue to force him deeper into my mouth, my tongue pressing along his vein, and sucking on my way back up. Swirling my tongue around him once I get to the tip. I continue going deeper every time I come back down. He grunts out, "how are you so good at this?"

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now