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I'm in a state of bliss. Nico asked me to move in with last month. We're all settled into his penthouse. I'm only one floor up from Anna and Matteo. And we have the best view. My parents didn't want to let me go so soon, but I promised to always visit, and I'll never miss brunch. It made sense for us to live together. Nico hasn't slept in his own bed since he's been back, always in mine. After we were interrupted so many times when we were being intimate, he suggested the idea. And I happily agreed. We haven't gone farther than what we were doing. Nico says he wants me to wait till we're married. I roll my eyes.

Frank was done training me, he said I didn't need his help anymore. He flew back to Italy for retirement. Angelo still trains with me, but in Nico's personal gym in the penthouse. He's still my bodyguard, and he still goes on our night adventures with Leo and the twins. Nico gave me my own office with a nice view. I've been semi successful with all my research. We've found most of the kids, I'm still stuck on a few. Some are from many years ago. Those are harder to track down since it's been so long. But I'm determined.

I'm lounging on the couch while Nico and Luca argue over what pizza to get tonight. The doorbell rings, and the guys ignore it to continue arguing. I check the cameras and see Anna standing at the door with Matteo next to her, holding her hand. I wasn't expecting her tonight. I open the door, "hey, what's wrong?"

"They called me in for an emergency, can you watch him for a bit? Mrs. Ricci says she can pick him up in a few hours."

"Of course." I squat down to Matteo, "I have toys for you in the living room."

He lets go of Anna's hand and runs right past me to the living room where the guys are.

"Thank you so much for doing this at the last minute."

"Don't worry about it Anna. We're basically family."

She smiles at me, and looks behind me.

"Go, I got it handled."

She says thank you again and runs to the elevator.

I close the door and walk towards the living room where the boys are. As I'm about to sit down, the door rings again. Walking over, I see Anthony on the camera. Opening the door, I say, "you just missed Anna."

"Again? Are you sure she's even real? How is it possible I still haven't met her." He slumps his shoulders.

I shrug my shoulders. "Well Matteo is here."

His eyes instantly brighten. He pushes past me and runs for the living room. He picks up Matteo, and throws him up, catching him, he tickles his sides. "Hey little man, did you miss me?"

He giggles out a "yes!" Still laughing from being tickled.

I shake my head, close the door and walk towards them. I sit on the couch and say, "I still can't believe you're his favorite."

"I can." He smirks at me.

"I'm his god mom! I was there for every second of his birth!" I point a finger at Matteo.

Anthony bursts out laughing. "I can't help it if the kid loves me."

I pout and kick Nico with my foot, he turns around and asks, "what baby?"

"Do something." I pout even more.

"What do you want me to do?" He teases me.

"Get rid of him."

He chuckles at me, and gets up, he slowly approaches Anthony and Matteo.

Anthony pushes a giggling Matteo in front of him and yells, "Save me Matteo!"

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now