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We're all at my fathers house gathered in his office for a meeting. We've been looking into who's stealing our money. It started off small, but now it's larger. It totals out to 5 million. We've been having the twins and Leo look into it day and night and there's no slip ups yet. We've had some of our men follow all our accountants, but nothing is out of the ordinary.

We're all looking over every file again, trying to find any clues when my phone rings. Pulling it out, I see it's Angelo. My heart rate picks up and I answer immediately knowing something's wrong.

I hear coughing and groans, "I just got shot, someone took Amelia."

I drop everything and stand up, "Did you see who took her?"

"No, fuck, they blindsided us. We were 2 blocks away from the penthouse when they came out of nowhere. She got distracted when I got hit and they grabbed her. I couldn't see who it was, they were all masked."

"Where are you right now?"

"I just got in the ambulance."

"Keep me updated, I'll send someone to watch over you." I hang up and look up. Everyone is staring at me, waiting for an explanation.

Amelia's father shouts, "Fuck! Who would dare take her!"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to stay calm. When I open my eyes, I dove straight into giving orders, "Leo, look into the tracker I put in Amelia's bracelet. Giovanni and Stefano, look at the cctvs 2 blocks from the penthouse. Try to find the car. Luca, send someone to the hospital to look after Angelo, he's been shot. Anthony, get our men prepared to hunt whoever this fucker is."

Everyone jumps into action.

I face the window, clenching and unclenching my fists, I take deep breaths trying to control my rage. When someone places their hand on my shoulder and squeezes lightly. I turn to look at who it is, it's my father.

He nods his head at me, "She's a fighter son, either we'll find her or she will get out on her own. Trust her abilities."

I nod my head, knowing his words are true.

Giovanni shouts, "They're 40 minutes out and moving South!"

"Where is she Leo?" I look at him, waiting.

"She's still in the car, we have to move fast."

"I'm going after her. Gio, you're coming with me. You two stay back and call me if anything changes."

I get into the back of the car, Anthony's driving and Gio is directing him. Luca gets in next to me and hands me my gun.

We're speeding down the highway trying to catch up to the car.

"They just stopped. It's at a warehouse."

I pick up my phone and call Leo, he picks up on the first ring, "Look up who that warehouse belongs to."

"Already on it. It belongs to Damon Salvatore." He's one of my fathers associates.

"What the hell does Damon want with Amelia?"

"I have eyes on the warehouse. Nico, you're going to want to take a look." Gio says.

I look at the screen. It's the prick who was hitting on Amelia at the party. My fist clenches. "Sebastian." A blonde gets out of one of the cars. Looking closer, I recognize her. "Fucking Sofia, what the ever loving fuck is she doing there."

"They're siblings. They're working together." Leo chimes in.

"Check their accounts and send our men to pay a visit at their fathers house." I hung up.

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now