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I'm stepping into the backyard with Anthony and Luca by my side. Everyone is happy to see us, waving us down to talk. I'm ignoring them, scanning the crowd for Amelia. I don't see her anywhere. I'm watching the door, waiting for her, when I hear multiple gunshots go off. Everyone drops to hide behind the table as we're walking towards the noise. We're going through the side exit, when one of the men walks over to me, "it's been taken care of."

I push past him and see bodies and blood all over the ground next to 3 unmarked suvs. I walk over to Angelo as he's directing the men to move them. I scan over all of them. It's all clean head shots. I look at Angelo, "what happened?"

He looks behind me, and my father chuckles and speaks up, "our best secret weapon just happened." I look over at him confused by his comment. "Let's go into the office, we'll show you."

We all walk into the office, Leo's at the desk smirking at the screen. "That was quite a show." He shakes his head and laughs. We're all gathered around the desk as our fathers take a seat.

"Show them." My father directs Leo.

He nods and turns the screen around to us. There's 2 windows open. One facing the balcony and the other facing the driveway. He presses play. I see the cars speeding down the driveway and stopping, the second all the doors open, the guns go off from the balcony. Looking closer, I see who it is. I blink a couple times making sure I'm seeing right. "That can't be.. how?"

"Holy shot, she took all of them out in less than a minute." Anthony says from my side. "Play it again."

I look over at Luca, he's still trying to form a sentence. My twin brothers and Leo are smirking at us. Stefano speaks up, "she's pretty badass. Who would've thought, right?"

I look at our fathers for them to explain.

Mr. Romano speaks up first, "She came in here 2 weeks after you guys left, asking for self defense classes." He shrugs nonchalantly.

I look at my father, and he speaks up next, "She has a natural hidden talent. She's a good fighter with a really great aim."

Anthony's father speaks up next, "Leo, pull up that video from the 1 vs 5 from a month ago."

Leo nods his head and starts clicking away. "You guys are going to love this." When he's done, he turns the screen back to us, on the video. I see Amelia in the ring, 5 bigger guys circling around her. Franks on the outside shouting at them to begin. It all happens so fast, she takes them all down in less than 3 minutes. I'm staring at the screen in shock.

"Damn she's good, I think she might be better than us." Anthony says more to himself.

"Nobody will ever see her coming." My father stated proudly.

"I don't want to put her in danger." I argue.

Giovanni scoffs, "How do you think she got some of the missing kids back? She's smart, she can handle herself."

They all nod their heads agreeing.

Leo plays back the video from earlier. I'm watching her as she moves quickly on the balcony. She doesn't even hesitate to shoot. She's perfect. I'm smiling as I accidentally let out, "I'm going to marry her."

Her father clears her throat and glares at me.

I clear my throat. "Of course with your permission."

He nods his head in approval.

My father gets up and pats me on the shoulder, "She's a good one. Don't fuck it up."

Everyone exits the room, leaving me alone. I look at the screen. I smile and shake my head. Seems like she's been keeping busy. I get up and head off in search of her.

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now