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I'm in Elena's parents backyard, helping my mama and her friends finish setting up the graduation party for Anna. Mrs Ricci insisted on throwing her a party to celebrate, agreeing to only invite our immediate circle so it's not overwhelming. She finally finished school last week. She took her exam for her license 2 days ago and passed. Which I knew she would. She spent the entire day yesterday sleeping to recover from the many late night and early morning studying. Elena and I went shopping, finding the perfect white dress for her. I dropped it off before I came here. She's going to come later once everything is done.

Everyone is here already, but Anna. She texted me a few minutes ago that she'll be on her way soon. There's music playing through the speakers and we're all standing and sitting around having small talk while we wait for her to arrive. It's just mine, Elena's, and Nico's family here.

Anthony is sitting down bouncing his leg. Nico kicks him, "Can you stop, the table is shaking."

He stops shaking his legs and bites his nails, "I'm nervous."

Elena laughs, "What's there to be nervous about?"

He goes into a long list of questions, "What if she hates me? What if she hates me so much she won't let me see Matteo anymore? Do you think she'll take him away? I love him too much. I can't let that happen." He whines.

We all burst out laughing at his ridiculousness.

"Calm down, you'll be fine. Want some advice?" Luca asks.

Anthony looks at him with wide eyes and nods his head.

"Just don't speak." Luca deadpans.

Everyone bursts out laughing as Anthony punches his arm and rolls his eyes in annoyance.

His face brightens instantly as he sees a running Matteo screaming happily, "Ant! Ant! Ant!"

Anthony meets him halfway, picks him up, and spins him around. He puts him on his hips as he walks back towards us, "you just keep getting bigger and bigger every time I see you." He says as he tickles a giggling Matteo.

I put out my arms towards him, seeing if he'll let me carry him, but he playfully shouts, "no!" And grips tighter into Anthony's shirt.

I huff, "You're supposed to love me too!" I tickle his belly, making him squirm and kick with laughter.

We're so distracted by Matteo that we don't see or hear Anna walk up to us. Matteo notices her first and screams in joy, "Mama! Mama!" Everyone, but Anthony, turns around to see her standing directly behind him.

She smiles and waves at us. She looks beautiful in the white dress we got her. It's a draped collar satin dress that laces in the back. She's wearing braided white leather wedge heels. Her light brown hair is down and curled.

Anthony takes a deep breath and turns around with a squirming Matteo in his arms.

Anna smiles at Matteo, but when she looks at Anthony, her smile drops and the color from her face drains. The music stops right at that moment.

Anthony doesn't move either. He's staring at her like he recognizes her. Everyone is quiet, watching, waiting for one of them to say something, anything.

Both their mouths opening and closing, lost for words.

"I.." Anthony starts out. We're hanging onto every word.

Matteo is still squirming in his arms to get down. He sets him down on the ground and Matteo runs straight to Anna's leg. He's making grabby hands at her, crying, "mommy!" She picks him up immediately. Looking back at Anthony, waiting for him to finish what he was going to say. A look of worry crossed her face.

My Safe Place A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now