The Deal

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Being in the Mafia is fucking hard but being the Mafia leader is even more harder. Making deals, the risk of getting caught up , trying to have a clean nose then having federal agents after the mafia any chance they get.

I am Ronnie Flower , I have a beautiful wife Talia my two lovely daughters Cassie which is my oldest and Alexa My youngest child. I would do anything to protect my family I love them but the mafia have to come first sometimes it's what i signed up for.

I have a meeting with the new King Pin boss, Chris father was the leader of King Pin but he gotten really sick and put his son in charge of everything. He's a very smart man, I heard Chris is even more smarter so I am willing to have a conversation with the man.

His father and I never really talked but we did made drug deals with each other time to time. He's a very smart man business wise.

I gotten dressed then headed down stairs to the kitchen seeing my wife and my daughter Alexa eating breakfast I kissed Talia  then walked over to kiss Alexa on her head.

" When did you come in Alexa"? I asked

" Dad, I was here last night". Alexa said while reading a magazine

" Well I'm sorry, Aye what happened to that guy you were seeing Sam , Samuelson ??" I asked confused

" His name is Jameson dad" She says sternly

"Oh, Well excuse me, how's that going ?"

Alexa looks up from her magazine then looks at me squinting her eyes at me then said.

" Do you really want to know?" She asks me

" Well yeah , I'm still your old man I want to know what's going on with you and your life ". I said truthfully

" Well i dumped Jameson founded out he gotten another woman pregnant ". She said with a sad look on her face

" What kind of son of a bitch do some shit like that ? Where do he lives I'll have buster and Ricky at his front door right now." I said sternly

" No! Dad please not that whole mafia thing okay besides I was losing interest in him anyways so" She says to me, She might of been lying but who knows , My daughter falls in love with men that i don't think that will protect her just asshole after asshole if you fucking ask me.

" Well I feel like you should have better that's all , Where you going today?". I said

" I am going to a fashion shoot with a friend ". She says

" Do you need Nikki to go with you"? I ask her

She stands up and kiss me on the cheek then smiles at me.

" No, Dad I don't I'm going to be late thanks mom . I love you guys. She says walking to Talia and kissed her cheek then leaving the house. I sit back down as Talia put a plate of breakfast in front of me. I started to eat my eggs then i hear Talia say to me.

" What are you doing today"? She asks then taking a sip of her coffee while looking at me .

" I am going to Beverly Hills some restaurant to meet Robert boy uh Chris! Yeah that's his name. Chris is the new king pin boss so happens he wants to buy our land we have in Bay Area". I said continue to eating my food

Talia gave me a look then putting her coffee mug down and said to me with a stern voice.

" Your not thinking about selling it to him are you"? She asks as she sits back on her chair

" Well hell , why not Talia we might can negotiate a deal with him, like a trade or profit from it who knows I just want to sniff him out see what he's like". I told my wife that didn't want to hear shit, she just rolled her eyes and then gotten up from her seat. I see where this is going.

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