Oh Baby !!

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Alexa P.O.V

Dad: You're what ?

Alexa: I'm pregnant..

Dad: Well we can help you sweetie, okay you don't even have to tell Chris.

I looked at dad getting very upset, I looked at him so hurt hearing what he's saying of course i have to tell Chris it's his child i am going to have.

Alexa: It's his child dad, I have to tell him why would you even say or even think i wouldn't tell him?

Dad: Look your mom is freaking out okay, so please come with us alright back to the U.S especially in your condition you need to see an American doctor.

Alexa: I'll go but i am not divorcing him dad, that's final okay .

Dad: Alright, Alright..Just start packing your things we will be downstairs waiting.

He says with his hands up, Soon later my bags were packed help from the servants of course dad told mom about the pregnancy test so now they really want me to leave Italy. I haven't told Chris nothing haven't even seen him much honestly. I walked to his office seeing him reading a book.

He noticed i was at the door with my purse and suitcase in my hand he gets up and walks to me then said.

Chris: Where are you going Alexa ?

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Chris: Where are you going Alexa ?

He asked looking at me closely not breaking any eye contact, I can tell by the way he speak he was nervous of what i was going to say but we both knew what i was going to say.

Alexa: I am going back to the U.S with my parents.. They think it's best for me to do so.

Chris: I understand that your freaking out about what happened but you have to know if i knew you were going out i would've bring someone with you Alexa .

Alexa: I know i just needed some sir away from everyone just wanted to be by myself to think.

Chris: Yes can do that but I need you to at least tell me ! you got lucky this time, what if something else happened to you? I can't forgive myself that's why i have been avoiding you and i am very sorry but leaving? i don't want you to leave baby girl.

We he said my nickname i look down in a verge to cry but i couldn't cry, not right now. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek softy putting my hand on his cheek while looking into his ocean blue eyes.

Alexa: I'll see you later in the U.S ?

Chris: Yes, I will see you  in a few days okay?

Alexa: Business?

We both knew what kind of business he had to handle, I just nob my head in a agreement while looking down at my feet.

Chris: Yeah, I have some stuff to take care off and i will be home with you.

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