The Closer We Get

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Warning ⛔️ Smut

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Warning ⛔️ Smut

Alexa P.O.V

It was five in the morning, Chris and myself we're getting ready to head to the airport and get on Chris's private plane to Italy. Chris , Me , Dre , Kelly and a few of our security guards is going on the plan . Chris showed me a picture of his plane it's huge , I didn't ask him any questions about his business i personally don't want to know honestly after the a counter with his ex at our house i promise myself to let him handle it even tho that it do scare me when he doesn't tell me anything.  It was raining we are at New York in this hotel at the moment,

Chris had to talk some guy before we headed to Italy ,  i honesty miss my penthouse in manhattan but now since been married to Chris he gets very paranoid about where we live so he wanted me to sell my penthouse but i refused to he's not going to control my life .

Chris: Hey Babe , Are you ready the car is here .

Alexa : Yeah I am ready , How long are we staying at Italy ?

Chris: Just three days that's all, I just have to talk to this guy that will take one minute then we can do whatever you want to do Mrs. Evans

He said smiling pulling me closer to him as he kissed my cheek then letting me go to grab our stuff , I looked at myself in the mirror to see how my outfit looks .

He said smiling pulling me closer to him as he kissed my cheek then letting me go to grab our stuff , I looked at myself in the mirror to see how my outfit looks

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I put my sunglasses on and walked out the hotel room following the guards down to the lobby. Once we got outside Dre and Kelly was already in the car.

Dre: Well it took you guys long enough we've been in the car for ten minutes.

He said annoyed, Chris looks up at Dre then giving him the middle finger without saying a word to him , Chris opens the back door for me as i got in he closed it then got in the passenger seat of course Dre was driving . Kelly nudged my arm to get my attention then said.

Kelly: You look very nice Alexa, Question have you ever been to Italy before?

Alexa: Well actually no i haven't first time.

Kelly: I think you would like it , very romantic maybe enough for you to get pregnant hmm?

She said whispering the last part giggling , my face turned red and i didn't know what to say after that i just laugh awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck . I guess Kelly could tell by my face expression that i was uncomfortable about the topic.

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