Family Matters

72 9 13

Alexa P. O. V


The photographer says yelling to me as i was posing for my latest project with Chanel. I've been modeling for many high brand companies for two years now. I made a name for myself , make good money what can go wrong . Right?

My assistant Clare walked up to me and said .

" Christina is ready now Alexa". She says while giving me some water as i handed it back to her Christina walked in.

" Hey Girl ! Sorry I'm late , I was in traffic" .  She says as we hugged each other

" You look so stunning " ! I said excitedly

" Thank you ! I'm glade that it didn't really needed any adjustments to the dress . She says while looking down at her dress.

Christina and I been friends for six years now we've met at famous entertainers birthday party and never been apart since, Christina knows about my family and my up bringing of course. She is really the only genuine friend that i have honestly , I don't tell people about anything about my family , If someone ask what my parents do i say well my mom is a housewife and my dad owns his own business. Which is kinda true but oh well.

  Once we we're finished with the photoshoot, We got to the dressing room and i changed to my regular clothes. I noticed Christina going to the bathroom a lot once we got settled. She was acting weird a little bit so i asked .

" Hey , Christina you okay "? I looked at her up and down looking at her closely.

" I..Well..uh ". She said stuttering her words nervously

" What is it ? , Did something happen"? I asked

" I'm Pregnant Alexa ". She bluntly says

" Wh-What?! Are you serious ! ". I said excitedly.

" Yeah , you're the only person i told beside my man of course. She says giggling

We hugged each other and i said to her so proudly.

" I am so happy for you , You will be a great mother " !

" Thank You Bestie ! " She says with tears in her eyes

I was going to say something but my phone was ringing i grab my phone and see it was my mother calling me , I answered the phone and put it near my ear.

"Hey mom , What's up ? ". I said

"Hey sweetie , How's the photoshoot going"? My mom ask from the other line

"Christina and I are finished for today actually ". I said while looking down my finger nails

" Well you're father and i want you , you're sister to come over for a family dinner to talk". She says on the phone .

" To talk about what exactly " ? I asked raising a eyebrow

" Just come over at six thirty pm okay ? " She says

" Umm okay sure , I'll be there mom " . I said to her

" Okay hunny , See you then ". As she hanged up the phone.

I put my phone down , Something isn't right I felt it but i couldn't put my finger on it! What could it be ? Is dad getting arrested again? Or something to deal with the mafia? What could it be. Now it was the only thing that was on my mind after my bestie telling me she is pregnant , Christina looked at me then said.

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