Goons Business

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Warning this chapter contains violence, mentions of drugs, murder etc. you've been warned!

Chris P.O.V

It was 5 in the morning, Alexa was sleeping i was admiring her beauty while she's asleep i moved some hair out of her face hearing soft snoring coming from her, I kissed her forehead gently then got out of bed, taking my shower then getting dressed for the day.

I met up with Dre downstairs he was sipping his coffee at the table. I took a seat in front of him and spoke.

Chris: What's up Dre, how you slept.

I said taking a sip of my own coffee, I could tell by Dre silents something was up so i said.

Chris: What's wrong with you? You're not talking my fucking ear off man.

Dre: Kelly's Pregnant...

He said with a sigh then sip on his coffee again, I was shocked I didn't even know they wanted more kids.

Chris: Well ... Congratulations? You don't look so happy about it.

Dre: Well would you be happy about it? This would be my fourth child, and starting over all over again -

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Dre: Well would you be happy about it? This would be my fourth child, and starting over all over again -

Chris: Well at least it's with your wife, and not with some bimbo again.

Dre: Keep your fucking mouth shut about that shit I pay for that girl to get an abortion.

Chris: Naw I'm not actually I am going to talk about it, at least it's with your wife this time and I am glad I don't have to kick your ass like I did last time.

Dre: Chris don't start it was two years ago since all that happened, you've done it before with V many times.

Chris: Dre you're a fucking idiot you know that? I help v with them abortions they weren't my seeds it was her husband that didn't want her to get them, so she asks me for some money, plus I wasn't married like you! So put a fucking smile on your face, be supportive and shut the fuck up.

Dre: So, what you going to do when or if Alexa gets pregnant?

Chris: Putting a fucking smile on my face, be supportive and shutting the fuck up.

When it comes to stuff like pregnancy it's a serious situation, whatever a woman wants to do it's the man job to support her, A man can have his opinion but it's her choice at the end of the day.

Dre: Could we talk about something else now.

Chris: Yes, because that was too deep even for me, so this Cantù guy haven't ship any money back to the U.S and honestly i am pissed about it because we just shipped over 56 pounds of cocaine and you know Flowers put in 30 % of that so he wants his cut of the money also.

Dre: Well Freddy says his right-hand man is at some hotel we could pay him a visit now.

Chris: That would be great, let's do it.

We left the house walking outside as few of our goons greeted us saying "good morning boss ". As one of them opened the door for me to get in. It was five of us in the car while the res watches the house while we're gone. We drove off to this guy hotel it was a nice subdivision too bad we have to fuck it up.

We got out the car and left car running I just needed Dre and Jacob (a fellow Goon mobster) to join me while the other two are in the car looking out for police etc. Jacob is a lock smith and he's good with security alarms, so we didn't have trouble getting in. We walk to the kitchen and turn on the lights a little to make the room dem we hear footsteps coming down and here a man saying in Italian.

" Che diavolo sta succedendo qui !" He shouted.
(What the hell is going on here!)

Chris: Hi you're a friend of Cantù right?

" Aye, get the fuck away from my house or I'll kill you! " He says.

Then all of us showed him firearm we had and pointed at him. With fear in his eyes, he put his hands up then out of nowhere he punched me right in the face, it stings a lot, but I just laugh it off then I pistol whipped him in the face knocking him out.

Chris: What a dick. put him in the car guys we now have a hostage gentlemen make him feel welcomed.

Dre: Come on Jacob you get his arms I'll get his legs.

Then we soon left the man's hotel room putting him in the car driving off then put him to this hid out building Mr. Flowers let us use for the mean time. We tied the man up waiting for him to wake up , we finally got in contact with Cantù Dre handed me the phone.

Chris: Cantù my friend how you've been!

I said with a smile putting the phone close to my ear to hear him well enough.

Cantù: Where the fuck is my brother.

Chris: Well, your brother here is taking a nap, and if you don't give me my 20 mil then he will be taking a very much longer nap Cantù don't you get it?

Cantù: If you hurt him, I swear I will kill you or anything or anybody you love you get it?

Chris: Cantù get in the fucking line, have my money in 5 hours I'll call you then.

I hang up the phone then gave it to Dre as he smashes the phone on the floor then stomping on it with his foot.

———————— 5 Hours Later ——————-----

I'm at the mall with Alexa having a shopping spree with my money of course as she went into a store which I knew she was going to take a long time so i decided to give Cantù a call.

Cantù: Is my brother still alive?

Chris: Well that all depends on if you still have that 20 Mil now, would it? So, do you have it Cantù?

Cantù: I have it I just to talk to him.

Chris: Fine.

I then three way the call to Dre hearing his brother was on the line, Begging screaming on the phone.

" Please brother just give it to them! They broke my both of hands! " He said screaming in pain on the phone then the line went dead.

Cantù: Brother! BROTHER!!! YOU MONSTER!!

Chris: Cantù you put this on yourself, I sent you the "pixie dust " 56 pounds of it might I add and you didn't send me my money, so you know i am piss someone have to pay for your debts if it's you or anyone you love. Meet me at the bus station with my money don't make a fucking seen or go run away because he will die, and I will call you and let you hear your brother die for YOUR CHOICES.

I hang up the phone just in time Alexa walking towards me with her assistants walking behind with lots of shopping bags in their hands.

Alexa: Are you ready Chris?

Chris: Am I ready? I've been waiting on you.

Alexa: Sorry, I am just having so much fun!

Chris: Well, I am glad you are having a good time baby let's go back to the house we're invited to a party later tonight, okay? I have to handle one more thing than I am all yours.

Alexa: Oh okay, so we're taking different cars?

Chris: Yeah, for now, okay?

Alex: Chris... Please be safe, okay?

Chris: I will baby I just have to talk handle something okay?

Alexa: Alright...

My guards escorted Alexa to the car then Drive off. I walked off to the bus stop that was only four minutes away so me and three others of my guys followed me.

End Of Chapter ❤️

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