Family Dinner

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Alexa  P O V

It is the week before the wedding and my mom mean she is going to plan the wedding  , honestly i am just letting it happen she showed me her designs and by far i like it . Chris and myself been at home getting to know each other during the day but if he have to handle business then he be out most of the night which   i am use to my dad did that to us when we were growing up so i'm not surprised Chris does it .

Chris and i said to everyone no bridesmaids or groomsmen just flower girls and a ring keeper is going to be my little cousins Jade and Jazmine twins both are seven , and Noah is Chris's six year old nephew Dre's and Kelly's middle child .

Chris and i decided to have a cookout at his house, well our house and invite our families to finally meet each other a lot of my family whole family is part of the mafia so mostly everybody knows it's an arranged marriage that is happening my aunt Vicki says they haven't had an arranged marriage ceremony since my parents got married and that's been thirty -five years so lucky me i guess.

Like i expected when mom planning anything it's going to be big !  We're celebrating my parents home this is my first time meeting Chris family i would say I'm nervous but i'm not i honestly just taking this whole situation one step at a time. I was already dressed in my sundress with my curly hair down i put on a little bit of makeup i but not too much.

My grandma and papa from my mom side is coming i haven't seen them in a few months so i am happy about that , Christina and Rock is coming I'm thankful for them i needed a lot of support right now. My mom took me out my thoughts and said.

" Sweet heart are you okay ?" She asks walking into the room

I looked at her and put on a fake smile on my face i don't want mama to worry about me honestly even though i wish she could slap some sense to my dad but knowing that wouldn't happen.

"Oh uh , Nothing i am just thinking ". I said to her

She smiles and then holds both of my hands into hers and she looks at me straight into my eyes , I look into her eyes and noticing tears in her eyes , I was concerned mom never really cried in front of me or my sister.

" Mommy , what's wrong  ?"  I said very worried

" It's just that , I know you don't want to do this and i feel like it's my fault for not defending you enough you are my baby i am suppose to protect you at all cost". My mom says with tears in her eyes.

" I love you mommy please don't feel sad okay ". I said to her as we both touched foreheads as we looked are head and looked down.

" I love you too baby girl , Please believe it ". Mom says with a whisper as she then kissed my head. She hold my chin and looks at me with a potty look on her face and said to me.

" It's okay to cry hunny , If you need to cry let it out please don't hold that shit in you, It will only hurt more if you don't". My mom says sadly

When she said that i felt like she talking about herself and her relationship with my dad , their relationship wasn't the best at all but they gave my sister and i the of everything when it came to school starting our own businesses and supporting us but it always comes with a price i always felt like when it comes to this family it always ends up i scratched you're back , now it's you're time to scratch mine .  My mom looks at me from head to toe and smiled then says.

" Come on sweetheart, You're fiancé is waiting for you ". She says making my heart skipped a beat for a second when she says fiancé.

She says walking out the room as i followed behind her ready to get it over with . Don't get me wrong it's great I'm meeting everyone but if it was a actual love connection i'll be more nervous. We walked to the kitchen/ living room area where mostly everyone was it was almost packed . I noticed my grandma is over at the living room table so i walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

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