Crush On You / Back Up Plan

57 5 3

( Two Chapters in one 💕)
Words 2464

A L E X A   P . O . V

Crush On You

I woke up to someone calling me i groan rolling over to get my phone on the night stand beside the bed I look at the caller ID it's Christina I've been avoiding her to tell her what's going on me me lately but sooner or later I had to tell her .

"Hey Christina ".. I said nervously answering the phone

"Alexa ,what the fuck I've been calling you for days now!" Christina says yelling through the phone

" I understand , I'm sorry it's just...

I looked over and see that Chris is still sleeping snoring away , turn over and continue to talk to Christina.

" Are you in L. A ?" I said to Christina on the other line

" Yeah just came back from New York -" She says before I cut her off

" Meet me at my office at ten okay ? I explain everything ". I said to her

" Alright , No lies !" She yells through the phone

" No Lies , I promise ". I said to her back

I hanged up the phone then sigh thinking how am I going to explain to her what's going on with me this past week. I got up from bed then walked to the bathroom after I finished i walked to the sink to wash my hands.

I stared at myself in the mirror as i dried my hands with a towel that was already lying on the sink counter then walking back to Chris and I bedroom . I hear Chris mumbling turning in his sleep.

" Who was that ? ". He says with his eyes still closed

" It was my best friend , she was worried about me I haven't talked to her in a week ". I said

He then pulled me closer into his arms , it did caught me off guard but it did make my heart flutter a little I only knew this man for a week and we are already sleeping in the same bed and no we didn't have sex .

" You didn't tell her you're getting married huh ? " he says opening his eyes

" Yeah , She's very pissed i don't blame her". I said putting my hair in a bun

" You should talk to her , you need all the support you need ". Chris says to me gently

Chris is a very sweet person at first i thought he was going to be such an asshole but by far he's been very sweet towards me .

I sit back on the headboard with my arms cross thinking i am getting married to this man , I look down at the engagement ring on my ring finger am i ready to get married? No of course not but it's the price of being the daughter of the most dangerous criminal master mind .

" Come on , Let me show you something ". Chris says getting out the bed and put his hand out for me to hold

" Um .. Okay ". I said not sure where he was going with this I took his hand and followed him to the backyard which was so beautiful outside we had our own garden in the backyard . i felt the morning breeze closing my eyes to take it all in then opening them again sighing to myself , i hear Chris started to talk again.

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