Unexpected Visitor

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Chris P O V
Alexa is fucking crazy! Why would she answer the phone? Most importantly why the fuck would V call me? Knowing I am basically a married man now. I don't know what's going to be the death of me, The Mafia or MY WIFE !

I sat down on the sofa trying to get away from Alexa, but she kept on following me everywhere in the fucking house yelling , cursing at me wanting to know why V is still on my phone, She's so worried about a woman that was in my past and i thought i told her about V ? Probably not honestly but can you blame me ! Everything went by so fast.

" Alexa can please stop following me!" I yelled at her  very annoyed by her behavior right now.

" I want to know if you are still fucking her or in love with her still! " She yells back at me.

" No! She's just my ex yes,  we still have business together she helps me with shit okay! What the fuck!". I said rubbing the temples on my head feeling a migraine coming.

" Why you didn't tell me you still have talk to her in general, I feel blindsided!! I feel like i put myself in a situation that I don't want to be in right now so yes! I want to know everything fucking thing about you!! " She yells at me seeing her eye's getting teary.

" Listen Alexa I am sorry i didn't say anything about her in detail okay, but you have to relax for me, okay? And don't listen to Kelly okay.... Why did you go to Kelly anyways? ". I asked her.

" I was scared to ask you so i wanted to ask someone that knows you the most... your sister...". She tells me

" You're scared to talk to me? I don't believe that you ask me anything under the sun but that you're scared to ask me that ? " I said to her.

" Yes okay, why that is so surprising?". She says opening a bottle of my Hennessy taking a glass and start pouring herself a shot.

" Listen i promise your dad that i will take care of you and be faithful only to you and i am going to make this promise to you that i am going to do that". I said looking at her.

" ...You promise? " She says with a serious tone of voice .

" Yeah, I promise baby girl". I said to her gently putting both hands on both of her cheeks.

She put her lips on mine bringing to kiss each other I gave in rubbing her bag gently while kissing her gently. We part are lips from each other than I look her in her eyes softly saying to her.

" How about we take trip to Italy,  I have to take care of some business there but after it's just me and you, it will be very fun okay? " I said looking into her brown eyes.

" Yeah ... I think that would be cool, what kind of business you have to handle? ". She asks me

" I need some more weapons and this guy name Tommy wants to trade for some cocaine ". I said pulling out a cigar then lighting it.

" So, we're smuggling cocaine?". She said shaking her head.

" We're not carrying it on us, you know i work smarter than that give me some damn credit now". I said with a smile

" I'm not saying that it's just fucking risky as fuck". Alexa says worried.

" Our whole life is risky baby girl, don't worry. I said walking past her then took a seat on the sofa.

" So, you're basically doing business on vacation? ". I said rubbing the temples on my head.

"Yes, look complaining about this is very irritating to me right now okay, the only thing you need to worry about is how many outfits you are wearing, and which ones will I rip apart for you. I said laughing at the last part as Alexa slap my chest sucking her teeth at me.

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