The Heartbreaker

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Short chapter 1127 words

Chris  P O V

After talking to Alexa , I left the restaurant with Dre i haven't talked to my girlfriend V in days , She's been blowing my phone and Dre's wife phone also trying to find me . I didn't tell V my situation that i am in because well i didn't want her to worry.

Once i got in my car Dre got in the passenger seat and started to talk .

" You know Chris ,  you have to tell V she needs to know what is going on ". Dre says

"I know, I'll have to tell her but why can't I have both girl ! My future wife at my house waiting for me and then my girlfriend waiting on me ". I said out of frustration

" You're fucking joking right ? Her father will cut your damn tongue if he ever hears you say that , The man just want you to keep his daughter happy and she even says she was a healthy relationship ". Dre explains to me

" She is beautiful Dre , But V has my heart ". I said

" Then why you agreed to marry her " !! Dre yells


" Are you sure we're brothers? because you make the most dumb ass choices in you're life! " Dre yells again turning red

We were silent for a moment then i felt a little hungry so I asked Dre .

" You hungry ? " I asked him out of now where

Dre looked at me then shook his head , he is very annoyed by me I can tell .

" Yeah . Let's go get some Tacos or something man ". Dre says

Few hours later i went to V Apartment, I knocked on the door and i hear her say who is it.

" It's Chris , Open up ! " I said

She opens the door she had her hair wrapped but still in her pajamas , She smiles at me and said .

" Hey handsome , What are you doing here ?" She asks me

" We have to talk V ". I said in a serious tone seeing her
smile turn into worry .

We took a seat on her sofa and I avoided looking at her , I didn't want to hurt her but i had to tell her the truth so i bluntly said to her.

" I am getting married... to Ronnie Flower daughter, we made an agreement that if i marry his daughter he will give me his land ". I said to her

" What ? You're getting married to a woman you don't even know? Wh-what about us ?! We've been together feel like forever. Why can't we get married?

" You know why V - I said before V cuts me off

" No ! Fuck that ! I haven't hear from you in days! And now you are telling you are getting married to a woman you don't know but not marry they girl you know for almost ten years?! ". V yells at me

" It's not like we would of last anyways V , You are technically still married to you're husband ". I said taking a seat .

" That is different"! She pointed out

" How the fuck that's different?! " I shouted at her irritated at her stubbornness

" Because we're getting a divorce! We've been separated for two years now ! ". She says

But I wasn't buying that shit for a second , my relationship with V is very complicated you can say . We met at a art gallery eight years ago she was married to the mayor of L.A while he was trying to get evidence on me for federal charges but couldn't find nothing. How ironic right? But we are in love but she's married and i was messing with other women all the time so this cycle of cheating, V saying she and her husband is working things out then end up back with me , Just a toxic !

" You and I both know that we're just toxic and i wanted to let you know that i am getting married , it's the least that i can do". I said to her

" So the moment i am ready for you ! You're telling me you are getting married?! " She yells at me

" Well i am forty one so it's about time , You know even my brother doesn't even know that you're married ? None of my people knew just me they just thought I was the toxic one when it was you , I would've done anything for you ! Anything! But all I get was excuses waiting on your hand and foot because i fucking loved you ! " . I said to her

" I want to be with you ! Please don't get married to whoever that woman is she might be after you're money or -". V said before I cut her off

" The last thing that she is worried about is money ! She comes from generational wealth she doesn't care about my money , You do ! " I shouted at V

" I hope you and her have an amazing life!! And I hope you show her how much of an asshole you are !! " She yells at me pushing me over and over again .

" Go burn in hell Evans !! " V says yelling at me with tears in her eyes

" Gladly !! Far away from you the better ! " In said getting in her face

Then she whispered something that i would never forget .

" I fucking hate you ... You're dead to me .. Get out ... GET OUT CHRIS !! " V yells at me

" You know what V , I will treat her like fucking royalty a damn queen , Take her places let her see the fucking world give her everything while you fucking watch and think damn that should've been me ". I said to her

I stormed out of her apartment slamming the door behind me , once I got in the car i drove off to my home. I pulled into my driveway and walked inside the house i see Dodger sleeping on my sofa, I walked over to him and said .

" Hey buddy , What are you doing on the sofa "? I asked him

He jumps off the couch attacking me with sloppy kisses I took a seat and poured some whiskey in a glass and started to drink it . I sit back looking up to the ceiling just thinking about officially being done to V and have to move forward and getting mentally prepared to get married to Alexa.

" Dodger're dad is getting married so we're going to have a new woman in the house that's going to be living with us ". I said taking another shot of whiskey

Dodger just lay down on the floor then sighed probably just very tired but I know exactly how he feels.

" I understand buddy , I understand ". I said turning the tv on to NFL channel.

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