The Angle To His Demons 

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Alexa P O V

I followed Chris to a huge dark room with Chris helping me walking down the steps once we're at the bottom of the stairs he tells me to stay right we're I was standing hearing him walk off somewhere.

I couldn't see a thing until the lights came on i looked around the room i gasped it was like eighteen in this big garage. Chris walked up to me and said .

"Which one you want to drive tonight"? He ask me curiously.

" You want me to pick the car ?" I looked at him surprisingly

" Well yeah why not " Chris said shrugging his shoulders.

I walked around the room looking at each car then I saw this one , the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport such a beautiful car if you ask me.

" This one , let's drive this one "

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" This one , let's drive this one ". I said

"Alright let me get the keys to the car ". He says

Once he got the car keys he unlocked the passenger side to let me in first then got on the driver side and open the garage door then speed  off.

The car was so fast it was like i was in a roller coaster which that I love i started to laugh in excitement making Chris laugh as well . Thirty minutes later we arrived at the club i looked at the time in the car it was nine o clock which was really early. Chris parked the car in the back of the club and turned it off we both got out of the car. Chris walked over to me and held my hand and leading me to the entrance.

It was two security guards that was at the door letting people in once they noticed Chris and i they told people to move back to let us in . Chris nob at them and let me go in first then he followed when we walked in his club which was almost packed and music was blasting in the building.

" Come on ! We're going to my private vip section upstairs ". He says yelling over the loud music

We headed up stairs and I noticed Dre with a lady must be his woman drinking and smoking on the sofa . Dre see us walking towards him , he raised his arms up and then him and Chris bro hugged then Chris hugged Dre lady and I stood there didn't know what to do just watching them greet each other.

" Chris thanks for earlier man , you got there fast as hell ". Chris says talking to Dre

" No problem man ". Dre says smoking his cigar

" Alexa this is Dre my right hand man and his wife Kelly ". Chris says introducing me to the couple

Kelly walked up to me then hugged me as I hugged her back then said hello to them both .

" It's nice meeting you , You are so pretty!" Kelly says to me

" Oh thank you, you are very beautiful! " I said to her

We got settled in and started talking, laughing just enjoying each other's company, I hear shirt by SZA came on and I had to dance. I stood up and started dancing to the music . I noticed a group of guys on the other side of the section looking at me dancing but i didn't care at all . Then i looked over at Chris and he didn't look happy at all he just started at the men on the other side he looked over at me . Then he walked over to the group of men and said something to them.

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